Hey guys, I made this thread last week, take a look:
So turns out EXO clan didn't win challengers, and got runner up instead. As promised, I will be doing whatever the most upvoted comment says. #6 from Moomoomoomeadows is the top comment with 7 upvotes saying I should go volounteer and feed the homeless. So, I have scheduled for the 11th of december to go give out meals to the homeless in Nice, France, my nearest city in-need.
Here is the link if anyone is interested:
I really recommend checking it out, especially if you're in the area a lot of people are in need during christmas time (and in the cold). I'm really glad moomoo said this (I didn't really want a jawgemo ass tattoo) and I am actually really excited because I haven't had a lot of opportunities to help out and haven't felt good about myself in a while, so maybe cheering others up who need it more than me is a first step.
Sorry for the long post, but thanks for reading if you made it this far.