Is it just me or have all of the new maps been consistently worse? I only really like lotus of the new maps, every other one just more consistently ass than the next
On a side note they really need to pull ascent from map pool and rework it
No offense, but are you low ELO ?
I'm asking the question because the system is made a way every new map will be hated by low ELO. Why ? Because you test new map on a specific queue that doesnt share MMR with no other queue, which mean statistically you will play against player better than you, so you will loose with a horrible KD and start to hate the map. 2 week later you will finally have an MMR close to your real MMR, but the hurt will be done (and the queue will disappear), it will be put in your subconscious that you will hate the map.
Can I ask you your ELO and the winrate you had on the specific mapqueue ?