Best sentinel on Sunset?

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Since the B site changes on Sunset Cypher really hasn't looked as appealing as before

So who takes over as the best sentinel?

Imo it's between Chamber, Vyse or just Cypher staying as the best option

Chamber is really good at taking and keeping control of A main with your Omen and Kay/o players and can pretty much solo hold the lane once he's on the line, freeing up your Omen and Kay/o to rotate early as well as allowing your duelist to make an aggressive play down mid or fight for B main control

Meanwhile Vyse can really easily cripple a B execute by isolating the duelist as they enter with her wall and picking them off early with her flash

Then Cypher can still work quite well on Sunset cuz of he's still the best at keeping intel on mid while simultaneously playing on site because of the market cam. He's just nowhere near as good at halting the push in B main and will probably need to play retake more than before

What do you think?


Cypher clears every senti on sunset


Cypher not being able to do the one B seems a lot to me like if, for example, Viper's orb wasn't high enough to block vision from the window in Tube on Icebox. Yeah, it would suck, but Viper would still have basically a 100% pickrate on the map. This seems like a very similar case imo, where yeah, Cypher can't do the trip anymore, but he's still gonna be picked by (almost) every single team who plays this map


Vyse is not in contention for being the best or even the 2nd/3rd/4th best in anything


i think cypher best still but chamber should start getting picked a lot more


It won’t change much imo b/c that trip was mainly a problem in lower ranks (cuz ppl for the love of god will do anything in their power NOT to break that trip with their utility no matter how much you explain them) in pro play that trip will instantly be broken almost every single time to the point where most teams just put trips back site to stop the neon from pushing in deep, so this thing about cypher being less appealing doesn’t make much sense to me for pro play currently.

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