remember when he first started playing for oxygen and played senti?
yall really need to stop worrying about roles. This is not LoL. They could switch up things based on what AGENTS he's comfortable on.
this isn't CS. The role make a HUGE difference in the game. If you a little off, you can ruin a lot of rounds.
Roles don't mean anything. It depends on how the agent plays, what's the pacing of the util are like. Look at reduxx. Playing Duelist one game and smokes the next. zekken, ini and then entry duelist
roles matter so much in cs tf are u saying dawg
roles are actually super defined in cs
only unicorns are top tier in every role like s1mple who was at one point top 2 at every role
s1 was never a top2 support player or entry fragger
s1mple never played support
1 thing zywoo has over him is he is not selfish, he will go first, or play anchor positions if apex wants him to