gold2peak: "I know information struggles to reach through your brain grease"
gold2peak's brain:
-"G2 won't win with Jonah still on the team the guy who whooped my team's ass"
gold2peak:"Kids are dying and you're mad about kamo typing gamer insults like "N**ger monkeys and jerking off to child nudes?"
Also gold2peak: "😡 😡 😡TH losing to JonahP is irrelevant to my comment. TH beat G2 at Shanghai once so JonahP bad. G2 beat LEV in stage 1 and 2 so aspas bad. Yeah FNC 5x worse than TH what the f does TH losing to VIT have anything to do with that 😡 😡 😡"
Trent is like the only non-fragging player on G2 right now but he was the player with the highest ACS in challengers and Acension and you only need him to perform like himself. Same case with Asuna.
Valyn tied most kills in a BO5 record with Aspas Demon1 in stage 1
Leaf is Americas Sentinel of the year, ex-duelist who has a personal ACS record of 504 when he was on C9.
"Heavy shooters" teams like PRX TH 100T lost multiple 3v1s and 4v1s to JonahP
Where the hell did this "G2 doesn't have heavy shooters" come from. The people who said "G2 is too boring for me to watch" then concluded "Oh I know they don't have heavy shooters even though I don't watch them nor follow them"?