is it still possible
three way tie is map and round difference --> Head to head
4 way tie --> Map diff
Is TSM win :
If Galory loose, Galory out and it's a 2 or 3 way tie vs AK and potentiall 2GE, in a 2 way tie they win, in a 3 way tie it's more complicated
If Galory win, then it's a 4 or 5 way tie (map diff), If they win 2-0 they are safe, if it's 2-1 it's more compliated
I would think the best opportunity for TSM to qualify would be TSM to win their match against AK, for Galorys to lose and for G2 to win. If that happens RETA, and G2 would qualify with M80 with 3 wins and then TSM and AK would be tied at 2-3 and TSM would qualify based on head to head. If the determination comes down to maps they may qualify but if it goes to round differential, forget about it!!!