before this act i had like a 6 game MVP streak in plat 2 now im gold 2
before this act i had like a 6 game MVP streak in plat 2 now im gold 2
yea this used to be me
now look where i am
no but i recently got a new mouse (viper v3 pro) and it was like twice as light as my old mouse
also my monitor is 60hz do u think it would help if my monitor was better
also my mousepad is really small, like the size of a textbook
my hs% rate is fine i think i have good crosshair placement but sometimes i cant react
60hz is actually fucked so try changing that, mousepad can be annoying and super limiting especially if you play on a lower sens, and the not being able to react thing is easy to fix if you just practice in deathmatch, play deathmatch with the sound off and every angle you swing make a mental note that an enemy is gonna be there and you will shoot them, just be aware of what youre doing in game rather than just being on autopilot, this helps training your awareness
if you cant throw util and aim at the same time that just means you need to practice and grind that synergy out, every agent you mentioned needs to throw util and aim at the same time to be good at a high level (jett using the smoke for quick one ways, raze satchels for taking fights etc), if youre bad at something that just means you need to focus on that particular thing and improve before you move on to a different area that you think needs improvement, so when you queue ranked try focusing on just taking fights for a while, and after that try getting good with including utility in these fights you take, think about how a piece of util couldve made that fight go better (sometimes youll just lose fights and get shit on, and thats okay) but ultimately if you wanna be good you have to be able to use utility effectively, your mechanics (aim, movement) with enough practice just becomes second nature to you
been a bit late but i got a monitor and instalocked reyna and improved
see solidifying your mechanics is like learning how to type properly, if you just stick to typing like most people do (looking at the keyboard typing with one finger at a time) youll type at 40 wpm but if you start typing properly (touch typing) youll be super shit at the beginning like a 10 - 15 wpm pace but youll gradually start to increase your speed with practice and eventually youll surpass this speed of 40wpm that you originally were at, learning everything from the scratch might seem unintuitive in the short term but in the long term it just increases your peak, so the choice is upto you if you wanna be good in gold and stay there or if you wanna be bad in gold for a bit and then improve to reach a higher rank