Flag: India
Registered: March 29, 2024
Last post: December 23, 2024 at 8:20 PM
Posts: 32

hell yeah

posted 2 months ago


posted 4 months ago

idea so absurd bhai started speaking hindi

posted 4 months ago

is there some sort of a problem with them? i used to get a stable 50-60 ping but since the last couple of days im getting 120-130, i checked with my ISP everything seems to be fine there, im getting my regular ping on the usual server i play on (mumbai), does anyone know what could be the issue

posted 4 months ago

i still think standard DM is better than TDM for practice just because the crosshair placement you build when you play DM translates directly into a ranked game while when playing TDM youre not really practicing that, TDM clears DM for warmup tho its so fun

posted 4 months ago

see solidifying your mechanics is like learning how to type properly, if you just stick to typing like most people do (looking at the keyboard typing with one finger at a time) youll type at 40 wpm but if you start typing properly (touch typing) youll be super shit at the beginning like a 10 - 15 wpm pace but youll gradually start to increase your speed with practice and eventually youll surpass this speed of 40wpm that you originally were at, learning everything from the scratch might seem unintuitive in the short term but in the long term it just increases your peak, so the choice is upto you if you wanna be good in gold and stay there or if you wanna be bad in gold for a bit and then improve to reach a higher rank

posted 5 months ago

if you cant throw util and aim at the same time that just means you need to practice and grind that synergy out, every agent you mentioned needs to throw util and aim at the same time to be good at a high level (jett using the smoke for quick one ways, raze satchels for taking fights etc), if youre bad at something that just means you need to focus on that particular thing and improve before you move on to a different area that you think needs improvement, so when you queue ranked try focusing on just taking fights for a while, and after that try getting good with including utility in these fights you take, think about how a piece of util couldve made that fight go better (sometimes youll just lose fights and get shit on, and thats okay) but ultimately if you wanna be good you have to be able to use utility effectively, your mechanics (aim, movement) with enough practice just becomes second nature to you

posted 5 months ago

60hz is actually fucked so try changing that, mousepad can be annoying and super limiting especially if you play on a lower sens, and the not being able to react thing is easy to fix if you just practice in deathmatch, play deathmatch with the sound off and every angle you swing make a mental note that an enemy is gonna be there and you will shoot them, just be aware of what youre doing in game rather than just being on autopilot, this helps training your awareness

posted 5 months ago

Are there certain things youre supposed to do while on higher ping? Like ive heard people say you shouldnt hold angles and you should only either jiggle or look into peeking angles rather than holding them, are there other things like this youre supposed to do or is it all just cope?

posted 5 months ago

i think most decent gaming laptops nowadays come with a 144hz screen and can pull around 200 fps so its very playable, just the 15 inch screen is kinda annoying

posted 6 months ago

my favourite album man, wandering star off of this is so good too

posted 7 months ago

pee probably

posted 7 months ago

personally its one of the greatest games ive ever played, if you like soulslike games or are looking to get into the genre go for it you cant go wrong with it

posted 7 months ago

git gud lol

posted 8 months ago

its just entertaining watching them be so good at the agents and the game generally + you get to learn a lot of interesting stuff and for people like shanks its just funny as fuck

posted 8 months ago

mafia, what else?

posted 8 months ago

i swear my soul comes alive everytime i hear BOOM BOOM BOOM and CONDUCTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM on the same song

posted 8 months ago

remember all caps

posted 8 months ago

westside gunn

posted 8 months ago

W heretics W fpx W game

posted 9 months ago

such a great series from him

posted 9 months ago

Yeah AMD just fits into the budget nicely so ill just go for it

posted 9 months ago

Thats the exact cpu im going for (Ryzen 5 7600)

posted 9 months ago

Ahhhh gotcha yeah i think ill go for an amd gpu, if i find the UI slightly annoying ill keep it but if i find it very shitty ill just return it and replace it or something, thanks!

posted 9 months ago

Yeah thats the conclusion a bunch of people told me, i dont really mind dealing with shitty/difficult to use UI if it means ill get more performance for the price so right now im leaning more into an AMD gpu (The RX 7700xt to be precise)

posted 9 months ago

lol this might be a dumb question but when you mention clipping do you mean clips as in sick shots you hit, an ace you got or do you mean shit just starts clipping into each other in-game due to the graphics card fucking up the rendering or something, cause i kinda dont mind dealing with the shitty UI if it means ill save some cash

posted 9 months ago

I do play a lot of other games besides valorant but i dont mind playing my single player games on slightly lower settings if it means i get fps (im used to playing games on the lowest settings possible since my current laptop has a ryzen 5 4600h and a 1650ti) im just concerned about any funny stuff happening like stutters and stuff while im playing valorant which would be pretty tilting even after spending nearly 1 lakhs on a pc

posted 9 months ago

Tryna build my first pc and ive sorted out most of the build from youtube videos and here and there, the only thing im still confused about is the gpu, my budget is about 1200 usd and within this budget a lot of people seem to recommend AMD gpus understandably so for the price to performance being good, what i had a question about is from what ive read AMD gpus seem to bug out in Valorant(?) my friend told me AMD gpus and valorant dont go well together so i googled it and a lot of people on reddit seem to think so too but these threads are either very old or have little information, so im wondering whats the difference between these two and does it actually feel significant in game when you play (im asc 3 and i play on a laptop with an external monitor attached so i dont quite know what "optimal" performance is but still wanna invest into the right thing)

posted 9 months ago

shoutout that one british femboy for this recommendation

posted 9 months ago

viper mini, still cant believe this shit cost me like 2000rs (25 usd approx) so good for the price

posted 10 months ago

recon and neo frontier make shooting people so fun, blast x kill sound is genuinely so disgusting, straight S tier

posted 10 months ago