after playing 5 games. here is my summarized thoughts.
gunplay is bad
movement is really bad
graphics looks like a cheap china made borderlands ripoff
UI almost made me throw up
zero coms not even typing.
this game is gona die on release lol
I played a few games, the game is absurdly confusing. Abilities are ABSURDLY confusing. Gunplay I agree is pretty boring, the game just feels slow as fuck. Graphics are an actual eye strain.
I'm going to say 4/10 in the current state. If some of the core mechanics aren't altered no one will enjoy playing the game.
You should be able to run a little faster. TTK should be increased a bit on rifles to increase skill ceiling + an Operator/AWP in this game is just fucking stupid
Visually, the contrast of elements in the game is pretty bad. Enemies should be a bit easier to identify
and knowing when someone is close to your second-body is kind of an insane mechanic to me, it's like having a kj alarmbot every round.
currently, you can begin planting on your second body and hotswap to cover fire for it. they should make it so you need full control to plant bomb and you aren't warned when the spectre detects footsteps.
ive played a little bit now and i enjoy the game, not sure how it would be competitvely because it seems pretty gimmicky but the spectre dynamic is pretty cool and fluid once you get used to it
movement isnt that bad when you realise you dont have to always ads, you can also tap and aim in the same way as cs/val which is really strong with certain weapons like the revolver and set spray patterns makes the ak very strong and imo fun to use
graphics and ui are not it, especially character models because they are 1 solid colour with seemingly random inner black lines that look super dodgy
I had to register to make this reply.
Please state the games that you have played that you are basing your comparison to...
90% of these comments are a echo chamber of the parts of communities that are never pleased. The people who hate everything for reasons they don't even know themselves.
-The movement should be faster..
-Visually, the contrast of elements in the game is pretty bad. Enemies should be a bit easier to identify.
-They should make it so you need full control to plant bomb and you aren't warned when the spectre detects footsteps.
Overall, the problems most of you seem to have with the game isn't that its bad, it seem to be what most commonly plagues the forum doomer rats
S K I L L I S S U E. If you want it to be Siege, CS, Val go play those games. No one strong armed you into signing up for the closed beta , an certainly no one asked for your unvetted personal opinion with no real constructive feedback. In closing, if you have CONSTRUCTIVE feedback not dooming and yapping, give it to the Dev's so they can make some tweaks.
guns are so shit to use it pisses me off, literally just pure luck if you get a kill when you shoot sometimes, smgs are shit, shotguns are shit, AWP is OP as fuck, the spraying with rifles is so inconsistent they need to decrease recoil by like a third and change how the visuals look when your gun shoots. otherwise all the abilities are pretty sick and a dope game with the cool spectre mechanic. probably gonna grind it and pray they rework the gunplay.
played it today and the way i'd describe it is CLUTTERED. the buy menu is cluttered to the point where it's actually hard to figure out wtf you're buying OR doing, same goes for the maps, huge as fuck and cluttered beyond need. the two-body concept is really interesting tho it might be the only thing i fw in this game atm.