Flag: United States
Registered: August 15, 2024
Last post: August 15, 2024 at 2:31 AM
Posts: 1

I had to register to make this reply.

Please state the games that you have played that you are basing your comparison to...
90% of these comments are a echo chamber of the parts of communities that are never pleased. The people who hate everything for reasons they don't even know themselves.

-The movement should be faster..

  • The movement is fine, its about the same speed as CS2. Take out your knife and run. The whole point is to utilize your spectre for information and quick repositioning.

-Visually, the contrast of elements in the game is pretty bad. Enemies should be a bit easier to identify.

  • Don't know what's wrong with your contrast and brightness setting but, the yellow glow around the opps body's is fine for me to see. Take a look at your settings and adjust from there.

-They should make it so you need full control to plant bomb and you aren't warned when the spectre detects footsteps.

  • This defeats the purpose of having the spectre... you seem to not understand or comprehend how this game is supposed to be played.
    If you know that that can be done you can counter play it.... you can also bait the opp into switching off plant to secure and take that space.

Overall, the problems most of you seem to have with the game isn't that its bad, it seem to be what most commonly plagues the forum doomer rats
S K I L L I S S U E. If you want it to be Siege, CS, Val go play those games. No one strong armed you into signing up for the closed beta , an certainly no one asked for your unvetted personal opinion with no real constructive feedback. In closing, if you have CONSTRUCTIVE feedback not dooming and yapping, give it to the Dev's so they can make some tweaks.

posted 6 months ago