Flag: China
Registered: August 13, 2024
Last post: August 16, 2024 at 3:43 PM
Posts: 79
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This is why I said in the other thread some nations are done for if they don't start restricting the internet. This parasocial generation is what you get when you raise teenage boys on OnlyFans, PornHub, Twitch ASMR, Twitter degeneracy and TikTok brainrot. Young girls aren't any better but they're at least socialising more than the boys just because girls have more of a social life in general.

posted 6 months ago

Girls when they discover it's also creepy for them to say weird things about teenage boys.

posted 6 months ago

You're not wrong but there's not enough being done at a higher level in a lot of places to keep things in check imo. I'm glad you bring up addiction because platforms like Twitch are especially guilty of contributing to this by allowing sexualized media in a space filled with 13 year olds. Now imagine if they got slapped with a legal warning telling them to either restrict their platform or get rid of the sexual content, that's already progress.

posted 6 months ago

Freedom to be degenerate isn't a good freedom if you want productive societies.

posted 6 months ago

Nah, if certain nations don't begin policing their internet they're actually cooked.

Young men are buying onlyfans subscriptions and getting 95% of their female interaction from Twitter bots and Twitch ASMR, that's how we get these basement dwellers with parasocial interactions with women. And the rest of them who actually talk with women are gay.

Do you think men acted this way before the internet? Not at all, they were actually forced to learn real life skills. Just my take anyways, internet will be the downfall of certain nations. That's why China is smart to control it.

posted 6 months ago

The internet in general should have never been a thing. China has the right idea to police it in the way that they do and require ID verification and restrict content. People in the USA especially are way too brave in saying whatever they want without repurcussion.

posted 6 months ago

Anyone else feel like they should have taken a different life path when they find out they're older than these eSports kids making millions? I was good at games when I was young, I should have focused more on it but school got in the way. GG

posted 6 months ago

Sen is never losing to a CN team

- saving the receipt

posted 6 months ago

Just a disturbance in the natural order, EDG will fix it tomorrow

posted 6 months ago

Can't wait to see this forum on life support tomorrow. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

Edit: Lmao, hit enter whilst typing my title. GG. Still makes enough sense.

posted 6 months ago

Bro, the upset is if SEN beats EDG, not the otherway around.

posted 6 months ago

Now that the appetisers are finished, let's all sit back for a glorious Nobody masterclass against s0n and a benjyfishy full box against l0v.

posted 6 months ago

You're right, I'll lock back in.

posted 6 months ago

Nahh being honest here, she's one of the few girls I've felt the need to comment how good she looks. Not that it means anything to her though, just me being a simp for a moment. 😭

posted 6 months ago

Yeah, just never paid much attention to what she looked like before. Today she caught my eye. 😭

posted 6 months ago

The KR post-match interviewer is way too attractive bruh where tf did Riot find her.

posted 6 months ago

My post proven by that round.

posted 6 months ago

Riot is so troll for not making it upgradable. Who cares about some CS meme.

posted 6 months ago

Exposed by a dude who dances to kpop on tiktok. 🀣

posted 6 months ago

I hear no objections

posted 6 months ago

Let's be real, there is no pride in killing people when blinded, through smokes, during movement/jumping or whilst stunned. It's just RNG but it happens so often in pro play.

Idea to reduce this: add a debuff to bullets fired during the moments listed above. This should minimize RNG kills by reducing the damage bullets do when a player isn't supposed to be favoured to get a kill. This means only good aim in honest duels will be rewarded properly and RNG gun-fights will be less favoured to win.

posted 6 months ago

I ain't never heard anyone hate on FNS bro lol. Even when he's not performing people hold him in high regards.

posted 6 months ago

What a boring start to play-offs.

posted 6 months ago

Whilst I think you're taking this too seriously and I could honestly care less, I do find it a little funny that the people who advocate for allowing trans people into women's spaces don't see that the logical consequence would be no more women's spaces. Even more funny is that it's mostly women who support this. πŸ’€

I hope I'll live long enough to see what all of this looks like in a decade or so.πŸ˜‚

posted 6 months ago

I think what made her broken before was that her cooldowns were also low. Astra also can't really play the mid-game with only 4 stars. If she uses 1 star in the opener and 1 star in the mid-game, she now has 2 stars left for entry and nothing for post (assuming she's solo). This is also assuming she's only using smokes and neglecting the pull and stun.

posted 6 months ago

They're kind of right, though.

  1. Nobody takes anything seriously on VLR, it's just shit-posting at best, not the place for serious discussion.
  2. Internet debates are uselss, nobody changes their mind on anything because they're protected by hive-mind spaces and anonomity. If you actually want to change the world, get into politics and become an advocate.
  3. It's up to the women in GC to speak up if they want change. As far as I know, none of the women have ever complained about this so they must be okay with it. Not our concern and not our problem to care about.
posted 6 months ago
  1. Who cares, nobody cried for me when I deleted my Twitter.
  2. You should all delete twitter anyways, social media is a bane on society.
posted 6 months ago

Everyone has been begging for 1 more star since her massive nerf, no need to be rechargeable either. Riot seems to hate the idea.

posted 6 months ago

Tbh I think for next year CN will no longer have lack of experience as an excuse. TH. G2 and DRX are all rookie squads for example. They need better coaching, not players.

posted 6 months ago

Teams probably haven't been anti-stratting CN. Both Lev and Vit got cooked by the same set plays Trace always does. They got punished for not taking TE seriously.

posted 6 months ago

If Lotus isn't close it's gg. Abyss is their worst map.

posted 6 months ago

I hope we go 3 maps or they make it close so they leave on a high note.

posted 6 months ago

Seems like they're just gay crossdressers or trans. Don't care but not my thing. Prefer a natural woman.

posted 6 months ago

His ranked streams are pretty funny last time I watched but only because of his personality making him tilt easily and his teammates not wanting any of his advice lol.

posted 6 months ago

It's really just about the body you want. I left the fitness space because everyone thinks getting huge is the standard, Like I just want to stay lean and in shape bruh, I'm not a bodybuilder. 😭

posted 6 months ago

Bro just supports whichever country winning. Jumped from China to Spain in a week??

posted 6 months ago

By his "every round is winnable" logic, players should also stop dying to spike and try to defuse. Really weird take. Like you say, Riot designed the game this way, the players are just using what they've made.

posted 6 months ago

Nah, I hard disagree with this take. G2 has a justified reason for doing this, so Riot has no place to decide how players approach a round and force them to give eco frags if they don't want to (unless they want to begin dictating how rounds are played). It's not like G2 threw a gun round where they had a good chance of winning, it's classic vs guns on 2nd round and denying kills for Lev. It's not that serious.

posted 6 months ago

This is just neurotic over-analyzing tho. People stare/look differently, some stare through your soul and some can't even look at you at all.

posted 6 months ago

Bro has 6'6 energy, thought he was tall all this time.

posted 6 months ago

Looking at the woman whose talking = creep. Look away = weirdo.

World is cooked.

posted 6 months ago

Any good author will use words creatively like this because they know it gets an emotional response even though they're technically using correct English. It's definitely wild to say in a valo game tho of all places.

posted 6 months ago

It only sounds weird because people have limited vocab, you'll read these kinds of things in creative writing all the time. 😭

posted 6 months ago

untouched, it sounds wild but thats basically all he said

posted 6 months ago

Don't become a slave to internet drama, friend.

posted 6 months ago

Valorant can sue Spectre Divide about as much as CS can sue Rainbow 6. All of these games share the same core formula but nobody has ownership on that formula. These people who say it's a copy are being reactive.

posted 6 months ago

6k watching from valorant_jpn, this is lower than their GC numbers. What happened? Used to be very good numbers.

posted 6 months ago

Technically but you can tell when it's a good game vs one team being bad. I can admit I'm probably being too narrow-minded to just call it throwing.

posted 6 months ago

Only if they are making dumb choices or can't shoot back.

posted 6 months ago
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