decrease all of Astra's cooldowns to 20s and make the ult 6 points OR just give the 5th star back
decrease Omen smoke duration to 12s or whatever Clove's are, reduce travel distance of paranoia
give Harbor the ability to offset the start of high tide with alt fire so that he can send it out farther, make its cooldown 30s, and slightly increase the effect of the slow to enemies only
Viper's not really a mess anymore. She's now like the Breach of controllers where yeah if you're running double controller she's very strong but that's a lot of investment since she now doesn't replace the sentinel anchor role as well.
Clove isn't the worst. They might use a buff in pro play but it's kinda a Reyna situation where they're so much better in ranked that it's tricky to balance. I think it's fine to just have a couple ranked demon agents that get picked as gimmicks in pro.
Brim is just mid yeah. He's really not a necessity on Bind anymore with how many pros are running Omen instead (and I've been saying Omen is better in ranked anyway). Not sure how to buff him. Triple the duration of stim maybe?
i've been advocating for astra's 5th star back since she had it taken away. they can keep the longer cooldowns, those are fine, but the 5th star would make most maps a LOT more comfortable to play with her without breaking her (i think)
right now she's a comfort pick but omen is objectively better on every map except split and pearl (debatable)
I think Abyss will settle into an Astra meta even without changes but yeah giving a hard nerf to both cooldowns and total amount of util was too much.
She's like my 2nd most played agent in ranked and personally I might take lower cooldowns over a 5th star but either would be good.
If she gets buffed I WILL be one-tricking her.
same here. my only reason why i prefer the 5th star back vs shorter cooldowns is so it doesn't feel as rough pulling a star back with the current cooldown, since you'd have an extra one in hand. especially on defense if you put down a star and then have to take it away. either way works though
i was an astra one-trick both pre- and post-nerf before pearl and split were rotated out and the nerfs felt even more noticeable, so i just want any reason to start one-tricking her again and not feel slightly handicapped against omen
Yeah that's true. Recalling a smoke feels so punishing on the current cooldown but having 5 stars would fix it anyway while still making it not trivial to misplace stars.
Speaking of which, will riot ever fix the over-prioritization of high ground when placing stars? I'm so tired of clicking spots like Abyss A main or Split A main and the star just ends up in a corner of heaven instead.