Following a 1-2 debut loss to
Rank #4
Cho Min-hyuk (조민혁)
Kim Myeong-gwan (김명관)
No Ha-jun (노하준)
Song Hyun-min (송현민)
Kang Ha-bin (강하빈)
on day two of Champions Seoul,
KRÜ Esports
KRÜ Esports
Latin America South
Rank #2
Angelo Mori
Roberto Rivas
Benjamín Poblete
Fabian Usnayo
Marco Eliot Machuca Amaro
talked with various media members in a post-match press conference, opening up on several components of their opening match.
We usually see keznit play Duelist for KRU, but today, he stepped into playing an Omen role on Abyss. How was the experience switching to such a different agent?
keznit: “It was a really good and unique experience. I did really good on attack, but I couldn't do too much on defense. I feel like any character could be played as a Duelist.”
KRU hasn't played Bind at all during the season, but today the team chose it. What was the rationale behind choosing the map? Additionally, what was with the no Duelist comp on Abyss? What led to the team taking those two decisions today against DRX?
Atom: “We used to ban Bind just because we didn't have much time to prepare it, but we were so deep in the season that we said it's not worth it to start playing by then. For Champions, we decided that it was time to start playing it. We had a lot of scrims, and it was the map that we have been preparing the most, so we were very confident. It's obvious that we still need some reps to practice the map a bit more. Moreover, I feel that DRX plays better on a micro level on the map. For Abyss, the map is so new and I think it's the time when every team is trying to find their comp. We wanted to try something different like playing no Duelist. I feel as if DRX found a way to play better than us, which is why they won.”
What impressions did the team get from playing Abyss and Bind?
Melser: “I have a positive and negative impression. I feel like we can win these maps if we practice really well, but in maps two and three, we kinda struggled, and DRX had better micro and macro. I'm not surprised at the level of gameplay, but we just have to work a little harder to be better. We can still definitely improve and show a better face for the second match.”
KRU played an incredible game on Haven, What were some of the key factors that KRU needs to keep in order to maintain a similar level?
Atom: “First of all, I think we need more practice on Abyss and Bind as we have a good Haven. On that map, I think we were playing with so much strength and hype that it was hard to switch that pace for the next map. DRX was also playing good and had momentum. It's just about practicing more and getting more used to the tournament. It's a long tournament, we still have one more chance and I'm pretty sure we can fix this.
Given your past mistakes, what do you think you can improve for the next match?
Atom: “We can improve our drafts especially. We have at least a week to prep, which works to our advantage. We're also definitely going to prepare Abyss and Bind. It's simple for us since we already know our playstyle.”