We only have teams from 4/6 continents (not counting Antarctica) in t1 in order for these regions to grow in player base they deserve at least 1 team, in both africa and australia
idk why your getting downvotes, you arent wrong, I lived in South Africa uptill 2024 (where I moved to aus), and the talent there is awful, first of all we never had any servers for africa until 2023 and the cape town servers highest ranks are low immo, the playerbase is so small that diamond+ is the same 10 people every time. like no joke to get a game me and 9 other people used to have to contact each other to queue together to get a game before 15 minutes. To add on this, many schools including the one I was from didnt have valorant for esports as the lowest ping was bahrain which was 150 ping so they forced everyone to move to csgo because no school league would host valorant.
Bahrain was the best ping for africans uptill cape town servers were added in june (i think) the only problem is it was inconsistent (sometimes jumps to 200 ping) so many africans had the alternative of london/paris/frankfurt or basically anything but tokyo. Now middle to south use cape town while northern africans use bahrain I believe.
Talent is everywhere, opportunity is not.
Infrastructure is not there, I mean public and private.
Internet is so laggy you can barley surf without lags in most of the places, let alone play video games.
Postive aspect 10y ago internet was a myth in most places in Africa, so I guess it's gonna improve.
China has an upper middle income,[26] developing, mixed, socialist market economy incorporating industrial policies and strategic five-year plans.[27] It is the world's second largest economy by nominal GDP, behind the United States, and the world's largest economy since 2016 when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP).
I made a thread about how to conquer African market for Riot (or any game)
Lets say it's a long term investment, because in short term that may be a loose, but I'm confident in the long term, the first game that manage to conquere african market when Africa will become more and more developped will stay for long
yes aus has to be part of pacific they have 0 chance of forming their own league. the only countries that will ever have the chance their own league is china and usa due to their massive population. The best you could do for australians is put in aus org, hope they put in a core of at least 3 australian players and 2 asian players (maybe 1 import) and a good coach. Otherwise it will simply fail. I mean think about it the only aus player that is in the tier 1 level is an import to china. The talent is very little, there is promising talent here and there but not enough to justify 5 players.
no servers, small talent pool, zero investment from RIOT as a region, no relevant orgs, and the few players who are there that are terrible stay terrible due to factors mentioned previously. the region is fucked from the start. at least MENA still has some legs as a league despite the lower player count to support & cultivate their playerbase, but the rest of the continent is shafted by various political and economic reasons that kill the potential of the region by preventing its establishment
what market? The African gaming market is dominated by mobile games and it's not even close. If valorant mobile takes off I can see Africa being a powerhouse region but for the pc version i don't see it ever getting to a point in the short or medium term where it gets enough investment from either RIOT or orgs to be sustainable
No infrastructure- electricity for starters ain’t a constant in some countries… even when u get it, it’s limited and the power itself might not even be enough to properly power a light bulb… u can also have months of no power
Cost- the average price of a cheap pc to play val costs a lot compared to what u can get for ur money considering bills… inflation in Africa is fu*ked; 1€/1$ = approx 2000NGN or more depending on where u are converting or on the black market(pun intended)… so an average of 300€ for a pc is 600,000NGN, depending on where u are that’s ur house rent for a year or even less… can’t justify it to purchase a pc
Try telling an African parent with little or no exposure to e sports that you wanna play games… no1 priority is education for most parents and the public infrastructure ain’t there for that as well so u go private and u have more bills there etc
The market for pc gamers is also small… There are parts of cities that are exceptions to the above like (parts of Ajah,lekki, vi, ikoyi) in Lagos have people who play games or are interested and can prolly afford it but servers is an issue so they lean towards console games and mostly sports games like fifa etc….
Basically we fuc*ed for a long time
30% of house having a PC is not that bad to be fair, 30% of NIgeria is France population
This stat is bs cuz if u go up north most there don’t have pcs… in the west; Ibadan ogun, ondo etc they are heavily focused on eduction etc… the east is business oriented… Niger delta is in the middle etc
Also the survey asked only 1600 people… that’s not enough to say 30%… Nigeria has an estimated population of 230million people
A lot of households may have laptops but they definitely do not have pcs… if this survey was accurate it would be closer to like 2% almost all based in Lagos and Abuja; the exceptions to that is when your parent works in a government post and has stolen enough to the point where affording a pc is chicken change
1600 person is ok if use use the "quotas method" ("MĂ©thode des quotas" in french, and I basically have no idea how to traduce it)
Also the study make the diff between rural and urbanised so I dont think it's only Lagos and Abuja. (I would be shocked if Ibadan and even Kano would be at 2% PCs)
Maybe the study is rigged, it's a possibility, but to be fair i'm not that sure, Nigeria is one of the fastest developing country around the whole world.
Wat is the diff between laptop and PC to you ? (To me PC is just a "brand" of laptop)
The rural parts of the country barely have access to the Internet… they do but they are more likely to spend time on TikTok, WhatsApp etc… Full on rural areas don’t even have accessible roads or water or other basic necessities… Kano at 2% will be insane cuz it’s just known for trading, leather stuff and basically where other northern cities come to trade their stuff cuz of BH
Pc- desktop setup; laptop- portable
In theory yes but the reality no… internet speeds aren’t great and the infrastructure for wired internet is not present across a sh*t tonne of the country… in my home town there’s only 2 cell service providers that actually work; also these laptops aren’t great, they do a job otherwise they meh