SEN fans come

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realistically wouldn't it be actually better for us to get pummeled so changes would actually have to happen, even if we play insane and magically enter madrid form but changes are needed either way we need a we are currently 3.5 of a guy, TenZ John and Zekken are all guys Zellsis is half of a guy can actually shoot like a monster when we need him to but Sacy is underperforming way too much for us to have a chance to beat top teams on a micro level.


lmao, I dont think they can enter that same form, we been saying this since madrid and it hasnt happened and it wont happen, I think theyre still better then like 75% of all the teams across leagues, but they just lack the aim and mechanics at this point, you just cant have zellsis and sacy on the same team and expect a crazy performance from zekken, tenz and john, if 2 of those guys have a off game they have no chance of winning

You call for a change for either Zellsis they say hes a huge mid roudner and very flexiable, you call for a change on sacy, they say he has the best util and a world champion why replace him. its a business changes have to get made.

Depening on champs run if they dont place Top 5 Changes have to be made, even since we won madrid they have legit been one of the middest teams post madrid

In my opion this core 5 has already reached peak, you have to replace either zellsis or sacy or replace both and add one fragger. they arent getting any better and both pushing 30


Zellsis realistically is not leaving Shawn he literally won us Madrid with that masterful map 5 preformance when he needs to step up he does it and isn't as bad you can have one rotten egg and not spoil the egg Zellsis is safe 100% he is a very big personality + his aim is very good when he needs to we literally need to add one more guy every team has that weak link and Zellsis isn't really a weak link for us, he comes up big when he needs to we need to add Verno to the squad 100% he is an utter monster Sacy cannot stay on this team or it's either he stays but is a reserve or something


yeah.... I say sacy needs to be removed I get flamed for it, but when you look who are you gonna replace him with...... Verno? Every team will be going after him and Oxygen pays well ive seen people say so he could just run it back... Brawk is another viable option, mechanically a upgrade over sacy but those are the only 2 options + brawk use to play with john, or Crashies ? hes cool but idk how much of a upgrade over sacy

so sacy may stay dude to not that many replacements and friendshipness

theres plenty of upgrades for zellsis on the other hand tho, so it just depends.

theres also a option to put tenz back on flashes and pick up another smokes, or even put Zekken back on recon and get another duelist.


yeah but the easiest route would be to go fetch Verno he gets a shit ton of exposure from SEN and him joining a team like NRG or C9 even who wont help him grow his brand even if SEN give him less money as a player 1. Exposure/Followers 2. Playing In a T1 Environment and 3. Money, SEN pays very well for what i've heard from Curry's streams and he gets free housing paid by SEN. SEN out of all NA orgs is probably his best option to play with a solid core and have a very high chance to compete at a high level in T1. I wouldn't mind picking up N4rrate but Sacy is definitely the problem players like Zellsis are very rare to come around and he can shoot when he needs to at a great rate, if he (VERNO) stays with OXG it would be pulling a Zander and being idiotic he needs to be in a T1 enviornment he's only 18.


Not sure there is a HUGE clout difference between SEN vs. NRG/C9. All 3 are very solid, known orgs. Something to be said for continuity, running it back, developing deeper chemistry too. Change isn't always good.


this is the last and most important tournament of the year why tf would you want them to get pummeled


so rob can open his fucking eyes and see sacy is holding back the team and then scoop that boy verno out the clutches of every single NA team,


you don't need to horribly lose for that to happen, sen has already proven that with them benching a world-class controller for zellsis


people is just emotional lmao, just hope for a good show by them at least, like you want them to pummeled lol, changes will happen even for the 2024 champs winner team we all know this, no wining team sticked together after champs


highest IQ SEN fan


insane levels of cope
better to win champs than to throw no?


even if we win the event there is no hope left for this sacy guy if we win im obviously happy but if we lose i wont be fucking pissed cuz this was expected.

even if we win the event there is no hope left for this sacy guy 

do you hear yourself lmfao
if you win you realize that makes sacy the only player to ever win 2 champs? also one of three players with 3 trophies? and you would drop a champs winning roster?


if we win it won't be due to him I love him but he is holding this team back everyone can see it with an eye test even if he is the most accomplished player to date, he's played horribly for us this year.


are you listening to yourself? what retard would nuke a roster that won 2/3 of the tournaments in a year just to "improve"? why would you change the best team at the end of the year? if sen win, why the FUCK would you drop anyone?


i didn't say nuke the roster? I said remove sacy, and obviously i wouldn't nuke it during champs it'd be after anybody with a brain could tell he is the problem even if he does have high intangibles.


SEN won kickoff and madrid then plumetted are we watching the same valorant? we are way to inconsistent this is constructive criticism you can't have Zellsis shooting 50% of the time Sacy getting first blooded and expect Zekken, TenZ and John to make hero plays to win us rounds lol Zellsis can shoot when needed unlike Sacy who's never been good this entire year.


Lol he is deluded. I don't think he understands what he himself is saying.


tell me how is he holding us back? he is the main initiator bro, I give a small example, I used to play initiator only on ranked I hit a brick on diamond 1, I switched to Sentinel role and now am Ascendant 2, I know they are pro players but the role it self isn't easy while you have to think when to use your abilities and how to setup your teammate, it takes some of your firepower,

if you were saying he loses gunfights a lot?

damn even TenZ loses a lot of his gunfights bro


Well it is a game where you are expected to win your gunfights is it not? everyone wins and loses gunfights you're human but to lose your gunfights at this rate is very bad we need firepower anybody from an eye test can see it.


Man look at these fraudlent sen fans constantly shitting on a player that has proven to win , HE WON FUCKING A TROPHY FOR THE TEAM . Praying for their downfall in champs just to kick him is got to be the saddest thing a fan can wish for that is some next level parasocial hate


It's definitely kinda counterproductive to root against your own team but OP is giving up hope because it's realistic. Every team is a lot better than they were in madrid and SEN can't win if Sacy plays like a bot which he possibly will do since nothing changes withhim. Same thing over and over. TenZ and zekken have to perform literal miracles to make them win and even then, a player like sacy can ruin it all. Que the SEN game against 100T on ascent, even though he had a decent score sacy was ass, didn't know how to play in 2vX clutches or what to do. SEN needs to get rid of this liability befor 2025. For greater good, you have to make sacrifices. For this reason, protesters in autocratic countries ask for sanctions on their own country so that they can replace the government. It's not ideal but it's necessary. If they win it's because sacy did his job by throwing util, by being a father figure blah blah but if they lose it's because the team played bad when he's the biggest reason the team looks bad overall. you can't beat him, his PR is too big.


it's not being fraudulent I love Sacy he's a great presence his fragging is too below par for us to compete with a lot of these teams at a micro level, obviously nobody wants to lose, I want to see us win but this current roster can not do it unless we play like we should have been playing since Madrid, we are way to inconsistent we crumble a shit ton vs G2 a team we should beat and 100T a team we should beat, we play like shit even if we won an event we made Champs by the skin of our teeth if we preform we preform if we lose we lose I expect changes no matter what.


bro to be honest no1 on SEN is a fragger, like aspas oxy, SEN plays off each others and their strength on their strats and trades, if this failed you will even see the whole team go negative like this map for example:


our big problem is that we don't have a player or 2 who can bail us out when team work doesn't work


SEN literally got team diffed the enitre game lol Zekken played like shit on Map 1 and then Map 2 played really good TenZ plays smokes so you can't expect him to always have the best gunfights in the way SEN are now using him he's not taking that many duels and his stats have fallen off from Stage 1 to Stage 2 because he is forced to anchor and hasn't been playing with the pack.
Zekken and TenZ literally play perfectly fine so does John Zellsis does as well but if Zellsis isn't our weakest link something is truly wrong with the team Zellsis is a great shooter when he NEEDS to be, Sacy is by far the weakest link on the roster.

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