To me a proper win is when you win with whatever you have, meaning you win with your own players. I see KR teams can do that and I hope one day JP teams can too.
Maybe I'm being too harsh on imports, the point I'm making is ideally it's better for VCJ as a region to gradually rely less on imports. Imports did make VCJ stronger, but it just means we get to have better imports, not we got to have better local players.
Too many world class imports severly lowers the value of local players, even though ( in my opinion ) when you spread the imports equally to each apac subregions vcj is just as good as everyone contrary to what vlr has often believed. I just hate seeing cases like Yowamu and Xdll being invincible for most of their career because of role bias towards imports(as in yowamu's case) and communication issue ( I reckon that's what happened to Xdll during his stint in BLUE BEES)
and tbh SCARZ should have never won in the first place, SCARZ's project is just throwing shit to the wall and see what sticks (it never worked except last ascension). I find it appaling by looking at SCARZ's strategy of winning by ruining it's own scene