Imo it’s gotta be
- Omen - smokes regen, tp great escape tool, blind has a wide aoe which is great for site takes. Very versatile as well
- Brimstone - has a good molly ability that can be used for anything from holding choke to defending spike. Ultimate provides a great way to take a site or delay a defuse. Stim makes it easy to rotate around the map. Only downside is that although he has 3 smokes they don’t regen
- Viper
Nerfs hurt her pretty bad but I think the wall just provides so much value. Molly and smoke not as good anymore, ult is good but 9 orbs makes it much more difficult to use. Still a must pick in 2 controller comps - Astra
The concuss and suck are good, but massive cooldowns make them easy to bait out at higher levels. Having every ability be dependent on stars, which have a long cooldown, makes astra feel kind of useless at times. Her wall ult is not bad - Harbor
Feels very hard to use on his own. The wall only being able to be deployed once makes it difficult to determine when to use it. Cove is pretty strong, no complaints there. Walls are fine but don’t replace what smokes do for the team. Ultimate is decent for info, and better when used in tandem with something like raze - Clove
If you’re a ranked demon then go ahead, but other than smokes clove really does nothing for the team