Flag: South Korea
Registered: May 30, 2024
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 12:20 PM
Posts: 95
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Was going through twitter to see reactions to T1 win and this abomination popped up on my feed
Like why did they do that
What was even the context

posted 6 days ago

Blaming only termi crazy
Especially since stax’s subpar calling in the second half of map 5 almost cost T1 the entire match…

posted 6 days ago

Rooting for T1 but realistically EDG got this (as long as they don’t overcook on comps and play smth like clove)

posted 1 week ago

People would talk more about the game as compared to now where everyone’s main concern is farming interaction by saying how much they hate certain things/players
Also jokes and baiters were funnier back then, now it’s just low effort brain rot/thinly veiled xenophobia

posted 1 week ago

Val community was so much more fun in 2021
Now the only things keeping this website alive is casual racism, sexism, complaining, plats telling silvers they know more about the game, and trolls wasting everyone’s times.

I used to open up this site for fun val discussion and a few laughs, and I can’t even get that anymore 💔

posted 1 week ago

Hi I’m me bro

posted 4 weeks ago

I swear to god gang talon could be a top 2 team in pacific but they just have the weirdest flaws

Every map it’s seems players like primmie and governor are shifted on to completely different agents and roles. Maybe this is what they are best with but I much rather watch the players master a certain role and the agents within it

The team is obsessed with deadlock, and sometimes they have more than 1 player select her in a single match (and it honestly does not even look that good outside bind)

Crws is not a shooter but then again when was he ever

Ban and Governor farm shit teams like crazy and then randomly drop dookies against better teams

I have no complaints about jitboys or primmie, they both are fun players to watch

Overall they are so inconsistent and I hope they finally just click as a team at some point. Primmie farming at an international would be absolute cinema

posted 1 month ago

This might be a dumb complaint but why do I feel like 75% of the players are just complete npcs
No social media presence, literally just log onto the server play a few games then leave
Vct has way less personalities than other esports imo

posted 1 month ago

I would say no way Zander because its only been 3 games
Then I remember that this is the same org that kicked out ec1s + BabyJ after only 2 😭

posted 1 month ago

I can’t lie yall were lowk cooking, good call by the haters tbh

posted 1 month ago

My OG goat made it to the big stage once again, stunt on these hoes Mitch 😭🙏

posted 1 month ago

You’re telling me that Riot couldn’t get DK, HLE, or even like KT to pick up Persia and the boys?
I have never seen a NS fan in my life

posted 3 months ago

I thought Sin Prisa was just a random ass premier team that ended up making it to franchising
How do they get paid now that they’re in the league?
Does riot just send a direct check to each player like every 2 weeks lol

posted 3 months ago

If you get on comp then you just get paranoia’d by omen instead
I’ll send you my good vibes dw 💕

posted 3 months ago

Hate to break it to you but both are shit, even new jeans clears both of them 😭🙏

posted 4 months ago

Im salty that T1 is taking meteor from what was the best Korean team just so they can win zero international titles again

I’m sick to my stomach, T1 better build the fucking avengers so they can even hope to match what Gen.G did last year

posted 4 months ago

weirdo we dont claim u

posted 7 months ago

wait what was the first

posted 7 months ago

dapr was on Sentinels in 2020 and 2021 when SEN had a big rivalry with TSM, bigger than anything today as there was always a lot of drama
However, dapr and SEN would usually shit on TSM
When SEN rose to the top while TSM fell in 2021 dapr was regarded as one of the best, while TSM became a laughingstock and fell to Tier 2

But now dapr had a terrible game against TSM and was eliminated by them
It's poetic because it shows how far he has fallen from his heights as Masters winner to being beaten by the team he used to dogwalk

posted 7 months ago

i love that he lost to TSM though, kind of poetic in a way

posted 7 months ago

i knew when he started trolling against m80 on sunset we were witnessing the beginning of the end

posted 7 months ago

Bro pre-fired the eulogy for dapr's career???

posted 7 months ago

This dude needs some more love:
-He has played almost every agent since he started in 2021 (look at his profile, I think he is only missing Iso and Clove), mitch is the flex god
-Was the only dude on C9 who was helping TenZ out
-Held it down after TenZ left
-Played very well on a C9 roster that was the best NA team in 2021
-Was sadly cut from C9 during their infamous failed rebuild before LOCK//IN (honestly C9 could use a player like him)
-Quickly found a new team in OXG and maintained a consistent flex performance up until today

Respect for being one of NA's most consistent mitch, if you retire then very respectable career. One of the most underappreciated OGs of the valorant scene

posted 7 months ago

gMd was unironically the best player in the server even before the game started
he has been so good ever since he joined TSM
POISED idk wtf they put in his water today he was actually shooting back

posted 7 months ago

s0m vs. leo

s0m: more clout, stronger immune system, better at more aggressive roles

leo: amazing support, proven winner

both are very good imo

posted 7 months ago

If that’s true then he’s like that one son in the typical k drama chaebol show who says “f the family business” and just pursues some random ass hobby lmao

posted 7 months ago

woah friendly fire
also get it right it's shitinelmain, no 0s necessary

posted 7 months ago

Messi: Wins 2023 World Cup for Argentina
Lebron: 2 gold medals for USA basketball, still leading them at age 39
Ronaldo: Won a Euro 8 years ago, can't carry his team at age 39

Who really is the bum here?

posted 7 months ago

yeah he's better than both of them at being unfaithful to his wife

posted 7 months ago

Still better than Penaldo

posted 7 months ago

If you genuinely think that you have listened to only Donda and maybe Jesus is King
I could name 30 Kanye songs better than come to life off the top of my head

posted 7 months ago

I use a 120hz monitor and average around 144 fps, I feel like that's good enough not to be considered that much of a constraint

posted 7 months ago

What's your shooting range hard mode average scores
Mine are like 8 with a sheriff and 15 with a rifle (which I feel is low considering my rank is ascendant rn)
My game sense is ok for my rank but my aim feels like a gold player's

posted 7 months ago

Margaret has literally only played cypher
Even on lotus, where I think KJ or deadlock are just better
That might be why they legit never play icebox
Do you guys think perma cypher is ok or will they be exposed as one dimensional at ascension?

posted 7 months ago

I can’t lie gang I feel like it’s time for him to get back in tier one
His raze gameplay is beautiful bro
Like one of the only players to actually use his satchels while fighting a player to displace them and mess up their aim
Ik he’s done some stuff but he’s served his sentence and I think most ppl on this site would be excited to see him join a team

posted 7 months ago

Only team he could go to realistically is t1 or another CN team
Honestly he’s kinda faded into the background due to inconsistent play and lack of opportunities, which is sad to see

posted 7 months ago

It’s over for riddle order
Imagine losing cause you picked a troll comp map 1

posted 7 months ago

Champs should only be held in Europe, that would give the best viewership times overall
NA isn’t even gonna watch Sentinels if the games are at 4am 💀

posted 7 months ago

yeah no after that 4v2 throw idk I can see why this is considered tier 2

posted 7 months ago

Interesting how people decide the proper response to a guy with a written defamation charge is to make him fear for his life and the life of his family.
I guess some people believe that in the idea of an eye for an eye, but in this case, they're taking the leg and arm too

edit: I meant to post this in the butterfly post not this fanfic weird ahhhhhhhhh shit

posted 7 months ago

There is little concrete evidence that the accounts above knew that the information they were given was false.
Even if they did falsely accuse, it was likely not because they had malicious intent to create a false narrative, rather they were working off a bad translation
It kinda feels like OP is going on a power trip just like how the translator who ruined drx player’s reputation was on a power trip

posted 7 months ago

Can we stop talking about pro players relationships
Something shouldn’t have to see threads of people (even some of his fans) ordering him to break up with his gf
That’s something he alone determines and figures out on his own

posted 7 months ago

Yeah the OP is doing too much
He’s trying to get DRX to go after the people he wants to be punished
I know DRX said to submit reports but that’s not an excuse to go on witchhunts

posted 7 months ago

Nah but like how did sideshow go from having more hair on his head than his face to the other way around:

posted 7 months ago

Idk why but all the plat chat guys look like they went though a mid life crises after overwatch league fell apart

posted 7 months ago

“Idc about roles” is very narrow minded, people don’t just completely change positions, they have specific play styles that suit a certain role

posted 7 months ago

Why take lakia out???? You literally need an initiator player and if ur using all of gen g might as well keep the entire core for chemistry

posted 7 months ago

I see your point on how Harbor has a lot of versatile uses that people are not taking advantage of enough. The cascades are good for taking space.
However, the problem I have with the cascades is that they don't replace normal smokes
Smokes in Valorant usually have a dome shape, making people not as keen to push through them as they do not know what could be lurking inside them. Also, the dome shape can block more sightlines, especially when you are defusing. Cascades can only be used to block off a single sightline, not shield yourself from multiple sightlines.

The cove ability was meant to cover this weakness, but then you run into the problem that pretty much every harbor ability is a smoke where he could use something else like a flash or a molly.

Walls are easier to push past since there's a thin layer separating one side from another and one quick flash or timing will get you through safely.

Viper at 5 is lowkey bonkers, even with her nerfs she feels like a better version of Harbor since her wall can be used more than once, and her abilities decay instead of slowing the enemy.

posted 7 months ago

They’re building a buffet to feed all the NA ppl that visit Spain

posted 7 months ago

agree with the first line, he did nothing wrong and should not apologize for anything!

unfortunately they're not winning shit, generational chokers will generationally choke

posted 7 months ago
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