deadlock, yoru, phoenix, omen, gekko
hmm i might try deadlock
Idk about agents, but moatz faking being an EMEA fan is a one trick user☠️
What Stormm
go sage when ur against me shes op
I would've actually tried her but the 30hp self-heal is horrendous
for ranked? Yoru forsure
sova, works on any map and is intuitive
only works if you averagejoe or sinatraa
i don't wanna learn lineups though. i did some for viper but it was so annoying
You dont need to learn lineups to be decent on sova. Thats why i said intuitive. Learning lineups will unlock his full potential though
yoru neon omen viper sova cypher raze
this works if you have a time machine and go back to 2022
I do
give it to y0y
No he should rot in 2024
bro wtf did he do to you. fuck bro he just a human
bro you brought y0y up wdym how am I the bad guy
i was joking bruh. i dont care about yay at all just saying give to him as a joke
What the yap
weird human
any of them. In ranked your enjoyment of the game will likely lead to you putting in more time/improving faster than any "optimal" strategy ever will.
jett, reyna, neon, clove, cypher, kay/0
all playable in any map atm
kayo ranked is horrible dont play it
i one trick KJ
provided ur okay with typically being yelled at for "not fragging enough" despite being a sentinel, then I have a lot of fun
i used to play a lot of kj before the range nerf
now, u gotta anchor for ur util to work and meanwhile ur team gets all the kills on the other site
if you can one trick yoru and get mega good at him he's broken in any rank below immo
I recommend Omen
ur bronze
i one trick raze