Do SEN fans sometimes wonder how SEN would be without him? He is by far and away the worst player on that team and don't give me that 'good util' bullshit. We have eyes.
No one can beat his PR. His util is so mediocre. Just spams all the util. Like G2 hit the midround calls after his robotic util usage, the fade prowler that got nothing even though there were players in those areas, G2 just waited it out and hit site after that when SEN just rotated off of his bad util info. That rnd where he threw tha fade haunt and didn't realize people could just dodge that and SEN lost the round. Like what so impressive about his util> He is a initiator ffs. Every initiator has good to decent util cz their agent is all util based!
BIGGEST FRAUD IN ALL OF VALORANT. Why does he peek main insta with an odin in the second to last round? That is bad plant, not even planted for trent. Just let johnqt stick and if trent tries to spam or fight then peek him cz you can just prefire off of his location. That's just so dumb! This man singlehandedly threw somany rounds! That rubble round, overheating on b in that attack round. SEN would actually be a fun team to watch without this bum. Waste of time man. Why did i ruin my schedule to watch this shit gameplay