all of their teams choked at the major, EG will disband, Liquid look hella tilted Elige always seems to be angry, plus he always talks about valorant
why do people pretend that val has become a totally different game in the one year it's been out
there have been basically no systemic changes that support this argument. any of the players in the title could switch over easily without breaking a sweat
hell mertz switched super recently and is getting talked up a lot
I think EliGE would likely be a fantastic VAL player, but I think TL CS gets at least one more year to capitalize on the occasional good results they get, and EliGE likely will be there thru that.
I could potentially see FalleN back out, Stewie IGL again, and Liquid pick up an AWP (oSee?) But I also wouldn't be surprised if they -Grim in favor of someone even though he hasn't been bad. Esp because we don't know whats happening with EG's lineup yet.