As a league viewer I thought we had it bad, but this stage 1 format is so much worse
2 random ass groups, but they only play the teams in the OTHER group? That shit makes no sense at all, not to mention the groups aren't even because of the addition ascension team
Add in the fact that the groups aren't balanced whatsoever, and you can't possibly balance it
The worst thing is this shitty ass format is the same for all 4 regions, so you have to suffer 4x. At least for lol esport, the individual leagues (lpl/lck/lcs/lec) gets to decide their own format, there's variety and experimentation, like lck has the double round bo3 for regular, and lpl has the best playoff brackets
Last thing, what if you want to watch 2 teams in the same group face off? You just can't until playoff? where they may not even meet each other?
I don't care what anyone else says, this format is straight ASS, total turnoff if you're trying to get into val esports