All the pussies watching him should have stopped making him rich by letting him exploit their broke ass. Good they don't allow him to watchparty Madrid. No r*pists allowed.
I hate how people like you just cut out important context. The whole thing he said was, “I don’t even care about valorant unless I’m making money”. Since he can’t watch party obviously he wouldn’t care. He treats Valorant as a job since it quite literally is his job. Would you show up to work or care about it if you weren’t making money?
The audio was his girlfriend at the time doing some baby voice, it sounded more like she was playing around. And the fact it’s recorded and she waited over a year to post it, tells all you need to know. False allegations ruin people but these kids online just like to spread misinformation and hate
it's actually hilarious, these high school kids be coming home from their fast food jobs and instead of being smart with their money they hand it all over to sinatraa and if sinatraa could, he would exchange all of your lives for a 20 dollar bill, just remember that, sinatraa has always been an egotistical piece of shit