Hahahha its all good I accept my fate. I will think of you when NRG wins S1 and loses to NAVI in the grand finals of Masters Shanghai, newton
Flag: | Netherlands |
Registered: | December 2, 2023 |
Last post: | April 16, 2024 at 6:24 PM |
Posts: | 607 |
Hahahha its all good I accept my fate. I will think of you when NRG wins S1 and loses to NAVI in the grand finals of Masters Shanghai, newton
Fam I thought we were friends. Even friends be stabbing me in the back. Shows how fake this world is. Fuck you bronzil boy
I will think of you when Pottynels don't make it to Shanghai and NAVI lifts the trophy.
Resting in piss is what he will do. You know who. Go praise your land for setting yourself up for implosion.
Stop stalking me you inbred no lifer, I am making good bucks while talking shit whereas you are broke and chronically online. Get a life.
I might get banned soon. But before that happens, I feel obliged and honored to tell you guys that NAVI will infact be the best team in the world and when that happens, I want everyone to come to this thread as a moment of remembrance for all the believers.
Bro I might get banned today I talked a lot of shit for fun. I know you gonna miss me when I am gone fam.
B0SK0TB0LL AND COCKEY😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣♨️♨️♨️
Not even just that, the way Araujo fell was a completely unintentional trip over with very little contact. That's a yellow at best, a red is actually fucked. This referee would be giving a yellow and red to everyone if he reffed a game from the 90s and 00s
Mimi isn't made for casting, just keep her for the analyst desk please. And ender just says random shit. Don't give people who don't talk just formally enough the chance to cast games otherwise it looks like a regional tournament lmfao
PLEASE SAVE SPORTS FROM THESE SHIT TIER TEAMS PLEASE. in no world is that a fucking red. fucking pussy of a ref
You don't get the point. Winning 2 masters is equivalent to winning 1 champions and that's a fact. It's the most important event of the year for a reason.
The future champions of Masters Shanghai and Champions Seoul.
Yeah it's actually absurd. Masters is nowhere near the same prestige as Champions.
This is good. I just hope Pottynels don't get to see the face of Shanghai so that their fans can sit it out the next time.
T2 level shithead like SAnatraa has no place in franchising. His teammates would tilt just by hearing his ugly voice
Oxy beat aspas too, don't talk shit lmfao. Beat the same team that beat the world champions.
Yet the same fucking C9 beat Leviathan last week. Pottynels is fucking lost as soon as other teams caught up to the meta. They deserve no respect after fluke plays. By the way Oxy did way better against aspas in comparison to ghostken
Aspas is the better duelist overall but Demon1's the superior player.
played the same number of rounds as passmesomeass. Demon1 clears fr
yeah i mean.. the things i see on social media and hear brown people say really makes me think that they consider being fair or white as superior
Then clearly Sentinels is not top 5 Americas. Even Cloud9 managed to give them a hard time and even win despite being criticized all the time, so that says a lot. Sentinels fell off already. Fluke run confirmed from @jawn himself!
So you are saying that aspas alone is better than the whole of Sentinels combined?🤣🤣🤣🤣
Based off of the fact that aspas farmed against Freetinels🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣♨️♨️♨️♨️♨️😈😈
easy to please and easy to piss off. lots of em worship white. there's a reason why the UK got em!
im glad you noticed!<3
I am not gonna lie, your analysis of his opping is actually spot on. Zekken's op aim isn't bad, he isn't as good as aspas etc. with his OP sense.
You are so mad mw0 got diffed🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bro took the MW in his name seriously because he for sure ghosted LMFAOOOOO
This guy is actually so fucking good at his job man.. What a guy.
Asuna_Yuuki son because he is a very smart and well mannered person. I am sure he will raise a gentleman.
Acegamer on the other hand will raise a rebellious girl who's likely to turn into a drug addict with commitment issues.
Yeah it's something even ranked players can anti.. they need to calm down with that
furia is shit but they looked decent last week.. nrg's just dismantling them and making them look so bad
This guy is real good at his job.
you can always be thinner, look better.