Zekken goes -17 vs FNC at LOCK//IN: It's just a bad game, all good. Zekken has had a really really really great performance last year and will soon be the future of this game, his loss to FNATIC was just a minor setback for a major comeback. Zekken is still the best duelist of NA, and even if he isn't, he will be in the future for sure. His talent and potential is pretty much unmatched, focusing on his lackluster performance in a single series is just brain dead. If you disagree then you're just a SEN hater.
Demon1 goes -10 vs SEN at Kick Off: Always knew Semen1 was dogshit lmfao, bring that fraud back to Tier 3 idk why people said he's even close to to the best player itw just because he had an "ok" performance last year while getting HARD carried by the rest of EG's support + Potter. Zekken was always the better player btw, he hard clears that bum with TenZ. If you disagree then you're just an NRG glazer.