im brazilian, but this is one of the worst games I've ever seen in my life
Furia are actually playing 10x worse than when they played NRG
of course a NRG fan says this 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I mean they objectively were, at least in that match khalil was clutching and mwzera wasn't whiffing all his shots
honestly this is worse than any KC game last year cus at least KC was funny this is just sad
wtf did I just witness?
this shit got my eyes bleeding
im so glad it was a 2-0 lmao there was some hype solo plays at least
G2 and KRU was same level yesterday.
i feel sometimes my ranked games somehow r smarter then these pros
you should watch dfm games last year
that 1v2 by rgl hurt my head so much, why didn't khalil just play for time? how does mw keep missing OP shots like that?
They actually looked okay against nrg too, wtf happened to them edit: spelling mistake