Sentinels have snaked not one but two players: dapr and now pANcada.
dapr was supposed to be in franchising but got booted on short notice when they could pick up Sacy and pANcada. Bro was supposed to be in Tier 1 but had to prove himself AGAIN back in tier 2. His pretty much "guaranteed" spot to compete in tier 1 was last minute taken.
While Sacy and pANcada were arguably good pickups, they need time to work through language barriers and other internal issues that come with picking up two non-100%-fluent English speakers. Now that they HAVE been given time, and they HAVE been beating top teams in scrims during champs, they BENCH pANcada despite his superior firepower off of OFF SEASON results.
This whole "zellsis better caller" thing doesn't even make sense. While Zellsis adds flex to the team, they have played and done well against teams such as PRX and FNC in champs who were in higher form than PRX and DRX in AFTV with pANcada and john "solo" calling while simultaneously having tenz perform presumably well on flex such as breach and omen. pANcada got benched off of some poor performances in some off-season games. Zellsis himself said that he wanted to try making strats and take an off role at the start of the season and go further into VOD review type things. pANcada had his spot guaranteed and on his star role but lost it due to OFF SEASON results.
Even if Zellsis makes the team "better," the situation is still messed up. pANcada is benched after being forced to play an off role for an entire year and once he gets his chance he is benched. 2 years of champs finals mvp talent wasted because of a couple off-season games. Yet another player whose spot on a good team was last minute taken.
Even worse, Sentinels are NOT going to let pANcada play(unless subs) or be released early, there is ZERO way they are letting another T1 team have a world-class controller. pANcada basically cannot compete until 2025. This is literally WORSE than C9 yay as at least yay was released and could play tier2. pANcada can't even compete right now and has to sit out a year. He has to watch as his replacement plays on SEN all because he performed better while he was sick.
This is like PRX Benkai, but at least Benkai got to play some in a rotation system before getting benched where he presumably did some analysis work. pANcada is probably either going to be streaming or making strats for the team, which is probably very humiliating, going from playing in a successful system and having your role returned to doing work for your replacement.
SEN essentially took years of T1 competing from not 1 but two players. There are better ways of improving your team without shafting your players, but SEN cannot find it. SEN management don't really care about the livelihood of their players, only org success. They are improving the team at the cost of the careers of their players.
I might join the NRG bandwagon for kickoff. This feels absurd.
tldr sen snakes too many good players and idk if i still want to support the org