Is this what happens when Sideshow my GOAT isn't on the cast? NAVI fucking S tier just cus they got ardiis like is the man Jokic or smth? LEV over LOUD??? EG, who are strongly likely to have Potter, Jawgemo and C0M, is in F tier (with DFM btw), a whole tier below KRU and KOI? These guys need to put my fav b4nny victim when they need to do shit like this because my god they put C9 an ENTIRE tier below SEN, G2, and FUT. How is that even possible. The EUphoria to put NAVI as the 3rd strongest team is literally blinding me its beyond shameless.
Oh my god they went over the EG placement and genuinely stuck with it, they actually think they’re DFM tier, something about this is discriminatory. Bren needs to be investigated.