Flag: France
Registered: July 3, 2022
Last post: February 20, 2024 at 12:05 PM
Posts: 43

sscary is missing if you count acension, he's top 3 itw imo

posted about a year ago

They will probaly sign trexx to replace destrian

posted about a year ago

I watched it and they said that they put eg in f tier because of their current bad management, nothing to do with the players

posted about a year ago

he won the dm with a sheriff but I went positive against him :)

posted about a year ago

I don't think Scream being the IGL will stop Ange1 feeding

posted about a year ago

What do you think ?

posted about a year ago

The whole EDG Female roster looks like an idol group

posted about a year ago

I play osu! cuz I'm a drummer and a weeb

posted about a year ago

google "Faze stock" or "TSM FTX" and you'll see

posted about a year ago

for 100T dying may have been an overstatement but as you said they still decided "to cut back on heavily investing in their eSports rosters next year"

posted about a year ago

Given the current economic situation in esports I was wondering how can EG have a 15 man roster in CSGO and a 10 man roster in valorant while Faze/100T/TSM are litteraly dying despite having much more clout and a bigger brand than EG

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This is a melser masterclass rn

posted about a year ago

Tenz at Reykjavík
Rating : 1.35
ACS : 289.4
KD : 1.48
KAST : 81%
ADR : 170.3

Nats at Berlin
Rating : 1.28
ACS : 265.9
KD : 1.40
KAST : 80%
ADR : 170.7

In fact Nats was the 3rd highest rated player and 5th in ACS at Berlin so sorry but no (nats peak was still very impressive tho)

posted about a year ago

mb, but vlr stills says he is the igl wtf ???

posted about a year ago

I don't love the guy but you have to admit he had the highest peak of any player

posted about a year ago

nah leo absolutely deserves to be here

posted about a year ago

Alltime so tenz should be there, he still has the highest acs of any masters champions tournament

posted about a year ago

technically saadhak counts as well ... so -klaus -daveeys +saadhak +nzr ?

posted about a year ago

Klaus can igl and I think he's doing a much better job than kingg so take him over nzr and kingg stays as a secondary caller and flex because he's insane

posted about a year ago

lost to india

Bottsi 🗿

posted about a year ago

kadavra is the best player on the second best french team Mandatory
he is 100% francise ready, even more than some M8 players

posted about a year ago

You are representing EMEA in the worst way possible

To everyone out there, we do not stand by this guy

posted about a year ago

I know don't worry

posted about a year ago

litsen, I'm european and as much as I support this region, we can't deny that NA has the best T2 especially when you look at individual level

posted about a year ago

I think PaperRex can challenge them cuz they managed top 3 at tokyo with a streamer instead of the pacific MVP

posted about a year ago

the producers don't know how to use the camera, they have all those fancy angles and motion but for nothing, it doesn't serve the scene at all because you don't need to be a cinema nerd to understand that the camera is here to tell the story and that it's pointless to use all those angles if you don't have any purpose. UFOtable uses the camera waaaaay better imo, as much as you can criticise demon slayer or fate you have to admit that they know what they're doing with the fkin camera

posted about a year ago

can't help I'm colorblind

posted about a year ago

controller : mako (not even close)
flex : chronicle (won lock in finals playing all 4 roles although forsaken has been great recently)
sentinel : alfajer (tied with less imo but he mvp'ed masters tokyo)
duellist : aspas (something is very close but he's not proven on an international stage and demon1 should also be mentioned)
initiator : leo (not even close)

posted about a year ago

duellist : takas
sentinel : logan
initiator : enzo (igl)
controller : kadavra
flex : shin
6th : xms / soon / natank (idk, france has not a lot of good players)
no newzera because he would leave the team mid cup

posted about a year ago

brazil definitly has a shot but I don't think they will be as dominant without saadhak cuz they don't have a good igl replacement, maybe korea or sweden in the finals with russia

posted about a year ago

although I don't like redgar, he's the only igl they have so maybe sheydos out

posted about a year ago

and suygetsu

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Is Destrian really tall or is everyone in Vitality just very small ?

posted about a year ago

As a french, I can confirm

posted about a year ago