Team Secret Team Secret Asia-Pacific Unranked invy Adrian Jiggs Reyes JessieVash Jessie Cuyco Wild0reoo Brheyanne Christ Reyes 2GE James Goopio Jremy Jeremy Cabrera have finalized their 2024 roster with the signing of Noel "NDG" De Guia, a Filipino champion formerly of NAOS NAOS Asia-Pacific Unranked PTC Kititkawin Rattanasukol xavi8k Xavier Juan Mojer Jerome Literal .

While NAOS was not NDG's first roster, it was where he got his first big break. The team struggled through several 2022 offseason qualifiers — the closest NAOS got to a main event was when they placed fourth in the Skyesports SEA Championship qualifier — before deciding on a big rebuild for 2023, which NDG survived.

With a new roster, NDG's NAOS waltzed into the VCL Philippines and dominated. While the team kicked off the first split 1-1, NAOS convincingly won the next 12 matches of the year in a row, losing just four maps. NDG's last match with NAOS was on April 14, after which he was replaced by Carl "senyorcarl" Alexander Carandang. The team went on to become back-to-back regional champions and attend Ascension.

NDG's signing to Team Secret comes a month after the team split with Jayvee "DubsteP" Paguirigan — who had been with the core since 2020 — and Lim "lenne" You Xiang Lionel. The changes followed a lackluster year from Team Secret, who placed fifth in the VCT Pacific and were runners-up to ZETA DIVISION ZETA DIVISION Japan Unranked Dep Yuma Hashimoto SugarZ3ro Shota Watanabe CLZ Hikaru Mizutani SyouTa Shota Aoki Xdll Yuto Mizomori in the Pacific LCQ.

Team Secret Team Secret Asia-Pacific Unranked invy Adrian Jiggs Reyes JessieVash Jessie Cuyco Wild0reoo Brheyanne Christ Reyes 2GE James Goopio Jremy Jeremy Cabrera are now: