what the actual fuck!
what is liquid cooking? i love cned, but this is so surprising. would love to see him play with liquid
what the actual fuck!
what is liquid cooking? i love cned, but this is so surprising. would love to see him play with liquid
lil bro sayf to vitality has been decided weeks ago now. and teams in emea have a much better idea on how to run rosters, than random fans , especially those who clown any and every roster move they see, unless it is good in the public opinion
another indian fan knowing jackshit about the scene and still saying statements and roster moves with so confidence.
what does that have to do with sayf being better than cned currently?
teams in emea having much better idea on how to run rosters
jampii jett
nAts not playing cypher once in champs that he played in league on the same maps
cned sage instead of double duelist on split
kicking qw1 instead of fixing role issues
if you think any of the points you made here are actually smart then you are so dumb.