bro looks 35, divorced twice in his third marriage with 3 kids and a boring office job
unironically bro. we buy ultra processed food which was dirt cheap, but that hidden cost was having a huge effect on our body. mfs need to realise their state of being, like, they are not the best version of themselves, they could be so much more, better , stronger, much happier, more content. but this plague is so widespread i feel bad for this generation and the generation to come, it is truly not their fault, its what they feed us for cheap, nopt caring about the health of peoples lives and only caring about profit. sick world out there.
you look at leaf, he looks sleep deprived in that pic, although i hope hes better. hes a nice dude.
bro you did an incomplete google search on whether crohn's makes you gain weight but you couldn't find this?