100T are looking better but not good enough
First half was close, after pistol which we couldn’t even see L riot loud just ran away with it sadly can’t stop aspas :(
only difference is: 100 Thieves haven't had roster/role changes, so they are easily readable by the mastermind Saadhak
LOUD isn't "shaking", there are a lot of reasons why recent games have been close.
literally the most studied team in the league. besides, most of the times loud struggled they were dealing with roster changes. their work on studying vods is one of the best perks they got, so not having available content to study and counter is a limiting factor.
"oh no but krü" yeah first time axeddy played for krü.
"what about eg" demon1.
"sen?" sacy as initiator, marved as controller
"c9?" should i even continue?
FURIA didn't have roster or role changes, convincing 2-0 as a result
also, against KRÜ, Saadhak had to play the matches practically without sleeping, he couldn't even think properly, tough headache etc.
if that's your way to cope, alright then, do it, but reality is disappointing and C9 will lose to them again on playoffs.
8-4 with pistol on a defense sided map with a player who can op extremely well shouldn't happen. 100t has horrible fundamentals and ideas and for some reason don't grasp the concept of getting cryo and op earlier. Literally once cryo got the op he was getting picks, he should've had the opp round 4 maybe even round 3 considering they won pistol.