Flag: Croatia
Registered: December 3, 2021
Last post: August 23, 2023 at 8:33 AM
Posts: 150
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How is eg favourite when they haven't faced any of the top 4 teams?
Tbh, eg wouldn't make it through if they were on the same bracket as fnatic, loud and prx

posted about a year ago

imagine putting alfajer above less

  1. less
  2. alfayer
  3. nats
  4. suygetsu
  5. shy
posted about a year ago

at this point everyone already knows c9 and loud are going to tokyo... the battle is for 3rd spot

posted about a year ago

who is he replacing man? no point on him coming back to the starting roster

posted about a year ago

it's natural to lose on your map pick when literally all eg did was anti strats against loud...
And since eg doesn't even know which map they are good in, loud could not study them. Same with sentinels and C9

posted about a year ago

imagine rlly believing this...
Yay proves (through whole of 2022) to be the best player itw and all it takes for you to say an average player (leaf) is better than him is 2 matches lol

posted about a year ago

imagine having C9 as the best team in your region

posted about a year ago

if awp didn't exist Lol... if u use that logic to whole valorant than optic wouldn't even have qualified for any international event last year

posted about a year ago

Im tired of NA fans thinking they are tier 1... they were in the first year of competitive valorant, but they aren't anymore

posted about a year ago

u don't know how other crowds would behave in this situation

posted about 2 years ago

lol they both have bigger ACS's with many less games

posted about 2 years ago

guy just watched omega bracket

posted about 2 years ago

imagining thinking fnatic looks shaky just because of their second half against 100t on icebox lol

posted about 2 years ago

imagine thinking that 100t is beating fnatic when they barely beat fut

posted about 2 years ago

ele eh tipo comentarista de futebol, resumidamente

posted about 2 years ago

brazil... sure lol

posted about 2 years ago

NA won 1 masters with 10 teams (joke, at the time, 2 EMEA and 2 NA teams, drx were not even playing, every other region was trash).
The other masters they won was when EMEA had their best teams with problems

posted about 2 years ago

mwzera destroying t1

posted about 2 years ago

mako is the most consistent controller. Nonetheless marved and pancada were better at their peak

posted about 2 years ago

only NA hope is sentinels... and tbh, their only chance is for the brazilians to carry them. Otherwise they will just fall short to fnatic

posted about 2 years ago

u guys are judging 17 year olds... give them 6 months and u will have the answer if they were the right choice

posted about 2 years ago

aspas miles above ardis.. just look what their teams did in 2022

posted about 2 years ago

imagine putting ardis above aspas lol

posted about 2 years ago

so what made them win than?

posted about 2 years ago

POV: u forgot champions MVP
at least i hope u forgot him, because if u rlly arent putting him on this list, than your list is worth nothing

posted about 2 years ago

imagine watching anime...

posted about 2 years ago

1-0 Equator

posted about 2 years ago

Fds n tinha ngm faltando msm

posted about 2 years ago

who's gonna qualify than?! 100T?!?

posted about 2 years ago

Looooooooool ppl talking as if NA weren't a 1 teams region

posted about 2 years ago

The players list is

posted about 2 years ago

if the guy really thinks that adding zekken will make optic better (lol) than let him think that....
Even so, loud's members weren't even the best in brazil in their roles (aside from sacy and saadhak)

posted about 2 years ago

dude stop.... they just guaranteed the map by winning the first 3 rounds weirdly

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

3 rounds x 3 times lucky

posted about 2 years ago

luck lol... like, every round optic won was a miracle either from yay or from marved
stop talking shit

posted about 2 years ago

lucky loooool.... loud has always been better on ascent, just like optic on fracture.
Try to accept it

posted about 2 years ago

ppl talking as if optic were trolling... dude, it's already a miracle they made it this far on ascent.
Actually, a few punctual rounds (followed by ecos on louds side) made them believe its possible.
Now, on bind, you may say they actually have a chance.

posted about 2 years ago

Actually, NA just won Iceland 1 because the game didn't even have tactics at the time... it was just a retard running around with 2 duelists and a sova behind. Iceland 2 was just won by optic, because the EU teams couldn't play with their complete roster.
When EU had it's full power, they won it.
Champions 2021: 3 EU teams in the semifinals
Copenhagen: 2 EU teams in the top four

posted about 2 years ago

Funniest "rivalry" between 2 teams to watch in 2022 valorant. In the 2 stages they player 6 times against each other, 3 times in each...

posted about 2 years ago

The most impressive thing is that ppl are still believing this guy said it seriously.
All he wanted was some attention. And you gave it to him...

posted about 2 years ago

You keep talking about cNed as he would be really the best player around there lol
The only really important tourney acend won was champions. And at the same time, it was exactly the tourney cNed didn't show up...
heat, asuna, tenz, yay, scream, forsaken and many more dueslists are better than him. Except by his OP, he is a common player., just like the rest of the old acend roster.

posted about 2 years ago

him and nivera vs 8
and thats since the beginning of masters

posted about 2 years ago

yes. But mainly because of problems in his personal life.

posted about 2 years ago

guy just forgot the best team in the tournament in the title....
if they will choke (again) it's another discussion, but currently neither of these teams he mentioned showed a better game than drx

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh, this team will never work with Murizz, MW and heat together. You just can't have in your roster 3 players, whose agent class they feel mmost comfortable in, is duelist. Mw plays raze, Muriz reyna and heat jett. In todays meta you use mostly only one duelist in your comp. That means that having them on the team will make either Muriz, or Mw feel uncomfortable (heat is playing jett anyways) in the team. Perhaps They need to replace murriz with an initiator player. Somebody that makes sth similar to trent, saadhack or chronicle (or even soulcas), so they can try to put MW on another agent (or even let him in his sova).. It's not a coincidence, that every good team has super strong initiator players (when I say initiator I mean mostly the flash agents like skye, kayo and breach). It's almost mandatory to have smb in the roster that fits well in that role. And Vivo Keyd will never have it if they don't kick one of these 3.
Remember these words.... kicking v1xen and jhow will not make them a better team.
NTK may be not better than MW, but he is more similar to what Vk needed than MW.

posted about 2 years ago

no, yay does

posted about 2 years ago

Derke and yay are by far the best jett/chamber players in the world...
Cned, Scream, Tenz, Heat, Forsaken, Sayaplayer, Leaf, etc.. - this players are all a step below them both

posted about 2 years ago

If you think G2 is really that much better than liquid, than pls reconsider it....
Zeta could have easily pulled the series to a third map if they didn't lose 1v2 clutches and the 2v5 pistol
Abt fnatic..... There is not that much to say. You can not judge their poor performance. It's not their fault.
Obs: liquid just really had a chance bcs they won 13091038 ecoes on ascent and the loud players were underperforming;;;

posted about 2 years ago

dude just stop
never seen such a pessimist view of it
instead of saying "Loud is a pretty good team. If they adjust better and start to lose ecoes, if they fix that detail, they will be able to get even better results"
But you say: "Loud is bad. They lose all their ecoes"
It is sth that can be fixed relatively fast. It's better to lose many rounds on ecoes and than be able to correct it after the game, than to depend on these ecoes all the time to make rounds and cache like liquid does

posted about 2 years ago
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