If you want to understand everything read until the end.
This is the timeline for non-Brazilian people to understand what happened to Sacy and Less (The video where Less talks about the situation is in Portuguese so many outsiders think it's silly, or that it's just loud fans crying, but it's not.)
- Just remembering that Less was 16 when he joined loud and I'm not a Loud fan or a Sacy fan -
0 - Sacy was a toxic person with less and it hurt his performance and his mind. That's a fact (Sacy said that Less hadn't forgiven him in his first Sentinels live, admitting that he did something bad to him, in addition to repeating that he would do it again in a recent live).
You can easily understand the timeline just following the team last year, the only thing missing was the less declaration (which was released yesterday on loud's channel)
1 - In the first masters he performed well (loud took a psychologist).
2 - In the second masters Less said that he performed badly because of his mental health, he also said that at the time he thought of giving up and thought that he was not good enough because someone on the team put all the blame and weight on him (loud not took a psychologist).
2,5 - In the video published by loud where Less' testimony is shown, he says that he only returned to performing well after Saadhak spoke to him and tried to understand what was going on and make him feel better.
3 - After Saadhak talked to Less, his performance and his mental improved and they were champions. In this tournament, Loud took a psychologist.
4 - Less this year has been performing much better than last year besides being a leader for the younger boys (tuyz and cauanzin), but this is due a lot to saadhak's work to recover the mind that sacy destroyed.
- The information I put in this text is mostly taken from the players' own mouths and from speeches they had during the respective time periods. As I consume a lot of Valorant content, it wasn't difficult to connect the dots and understand everything.
Charges exist and must be made, but when this becomes excessive to the point of becoming a toxic environment, things are not on track.
Most of the Brazilian teams that were world champions didn't stay at the top for a long time, and that has a very clear reason. Teams that are built on pressure and toxicity are likely to be short-lived even if they make it to the top, because the players' mindsets can't withstand that long in such an environment. Sacy can be a good person in many ways and with many people, but with Less he didn't do it right.
For those who think I'm exaggerating, Sutecas (ex-vks) had his career ruined because of his mental illness after the champions, he did a live today and even cried in his statement saying that he had proposals, but he was unable to play so much so that his mind was destroyed.
People on this site saying that Sacy is right is a reflection of how people here are immediate in results and see players as emotionless machines.
There are a lot of things I left out not to extend the text further, but I never even wrote a word of hate and I never felt anything bad about Sacy, but Less' testimony was very serious and raised issues that are not normally discussed.