Flag: International
Registered: June 12, 2022
Last post: February 15, 2024 at 5:41 PM
Posts: 233
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Tenz is a egotistic player who didnt learn any roles other than jett for past 2 years while SEN was literally one of the worst teams in NA. Even now, he frequently brags about learning smokes like he did a favour to team & he himself said he will be playing omen only(No astra) cuz on omen he can make more solo plays. He still thinks more about himself & his stats than the team. Watch SEN bench him mid season.
He been learning omen according to him yet he cant throw proper smokes lmfao

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

Nobody will have a problem with them if their players & fanbase full of brainless people stop exaggerating them so much.
They are not good enough. Just stick to Gamechangers and don't whine about opportunities.
Actually it is easier for them to go pro cuz gamechangers is literally so easy. There are so many far better male players who are earning nothing, but they are literally paycheck stealers cuz Riot made a separate tourney for them. lol

posted about a year ago

NA brains have fat accumulated in their brains from eating too much cheeseburgers

posted about a year ago

Cuz they are ass
and the dickriders are nowhere to be found now xd

posted about a year ago

lots of mid season changes will happen this year. Boostio will bring better tms for sure.

posted about a year ago

cuz other teams are dumb af & potter will beat them with new EG roster.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, that explains how braindead America Police is to respond to a random ass call from across the world. LMFAO

posted about a year ago

Don't be a slave, free yourself or fight !

posted about a year ago

Riot games is a scam company that create rigged games and cognitively enslave their players base using propaganda, deny, misinformation and astroturfing.

Riot games make appears their games like they are fair and competitive sport when they are not. They are rigged at every level of design to manipulate players decisions, behavior and emotions to make them addict and chase indefinitely an artificial rank.
In addition they are also manipulated to maximize their spending via skins, smurf accounts, boost and scripts that are sold by riot themselves.

Riot games are business and not sport like riot want you to believe.

Ranks, matchmaking & character mechanics are rigged.

Professional players and streamers are shown as insane but are, in fact, riot boosted and put in comfortable lobbies to show how much fun the game is most of the time and to show a seemingly acquirable sense of control about the game.
While the average user experience will be nothing close to these lobbies not necessarily because of a lack of skill.
Riot purposely boost or curbs players performance by modifying in game mechanics in real time and by rigging matchmaking, to maximize engagement and spending.
For some players, the game doesn't allow spells combos at the same speed as for other players, or even the interactions between spells and champions are changed from game to game, in order to benefit a player /a team compared to the others. Or even depending on the game, your champions are more or less manageable and will sometimes not execute your inputs, or very slowly/off timing or enhance skill shot precision, avoid certain spells on their own or, conversely, correct their trajectory despite the inputs in order to get hit by the spell. It can change an auto attack command to a move command.
Also the game can change in game parameters by itself during games. It can disconnect a player when a team gets an advantage they shouldn't. It can also freeze your screen for half a second when the enemy engages.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Whereas their matchmaking is so powerful that it could always make the fairest 45minutes games you could ever play, instead riot matchmaking purposely create unfair games by building teams with big mmr difference, playstyle, counter playstyle and autofill. In addition it purposely creates compatible/incompatible teams based on same criterias.
It can put players in a scripter queue to push people to buy scripts. LP gain and losses are also rigged.
Now by artificially and unfairly stucking players and by intentionally creating poor quality matches, they have created a huge demand for smurf accounts, boost and scripts that they will create themselves, it's easy for them, and then resell them.
That is their free to play business model.

Near misses : after being stuck for a while at the 4th division you will suddenly experience good teamates with good cohesion for several dozen of games and get a sudden climb from 4th division into the 1st division. Then the matchmaking will flip and you'll get back to the 4th division.
In gambling : "Near-miss events, where unsuccessful outcomes are proximal to the jackpot, increase the desire to play."

High ranks are totally artificials for pros and streamers alike and to make it look like a very skillful game while above a certain threshold it's mostly a game of chance.

Riot created ideas like low elo, to lower 99.9% of their players self esteem and to make them chase indefinitely a rank to not be low anymore (get good).
Riot comunicate about Dunning Kruger effect so people that question matchmaking fairness are now mocked as incompetent.
Toxicity, while league of legends community is seen as the worst community in gaming, riot keep denying their responsibility and blame the players instead. While it's their rigged and unfair games that bring this level of toxicity much higher than in any other competitive games.
No transparency over matchmaking, mmr and pro scene. They could chose to make a transparent simple and non abusable matchmaking and rank system, like in any sport where everybody know the rules, instead they prefer to hide and control everything.
Scripts are riot made because they use server-side data to know the trajectory of spells, even when cast without vision or in fog of war. So riot are accomplices.
Matchmaking and ranks is a mystical religion that is interpreted differently by rioters themselves, show that it is a well hidden secret even for rioters themselves.
Spaghetti code, supposedly their games are spaghetti coded so you won't imagine how much computation is behind the scene.
The game was never close to be balanced, and will never be because it is only made to make players hooked and it is far easier to control games outcome by knowing how match up will interact with great certainty.
Astroturfing : Riot employs an army of trolls on social networks, to gaslight and manipulate players into more playing and to control information, reddit is full of them.

Their tools : EOMM - AI Adaptive gameplay - Behavioral modeling - Streamer/pro lobby - Perception management

Don't be a slave, free yourself or fight !

posted about a year ago

And the fake caller probably got away with it. Common NA L lmfao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Riot games is a scam company that create rigged games and cognitively enslave their players base using propaganda, deny, misinformation and astroturfing.

Riot games make appears their games like they are fair and competitive sport when they are not. They are rigged at every level of design to manipulate players decisions, behavior and emotions to make them addict and chase indefinitely an artificial rank.
In addition they are also manipulated to maximize their spending via skins, smurf accounts, boost and scripts that are sold by riot themselves.

Riot games are business and not sport like riot want you to believe.

Ranks, matchmaking & character mechanics are rigged.

Professional players and streamers are shown as insane but are, in fact, riot boosted and put in comfortable lobbies to show how much fun the game is most of the time and to show a seemingly acquirable sense of control about the game.
While the average user experience will be nothing close to these lobbies not necessarily because of a lack of skill.
Riot purposely boost or curbs players performance by modifying in game mechanics in real time and by rigging matchmaking, to maximize engagement and spending.
For some players, the game doesn't allow spells combos at the same speed as for other players, or even the interactions between spells and champions are changed from game to game, in order to benefit a player /a team compared to the others. Or even depending on the game, your champions are more or less manageable and will sometimes not execute your inputs, or very slowly/off timing or enhance skill shot precision, avoid certain spells on their own or, conversely, correct their trajectory despite the inputs in order to get hit by the spell. It can change an auto attack command to a move command.
Also the game can change in game parameters by itself during games. It can disconnect a player when a team gets an advantage they shouldn't. It can also freeze your screen for half a second when the enemy engages.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Whereas their matchmaking is so powerful that it could always make the fairest 45minutes games you could ever play, instead riot matchmaking purposely create unfair games by building teams with big mmr difference, playstyle, counter playstyle and autofill. In addition it purposely creates compatible/incompatible teams based on same criterias.
It can put players in a scripter queue to push people to buy scripts. LP gain and losses are also rigged.
Now by artificially and unfairly stucking players and by intentionally creating poor quality matches, they have created a huge demand for smurf accounts, boost and scripts that they will create themselves, it's easy for them, and then resell them.
That is their free to play business model.

Near misses : after being stuck for a while at the 4th division you will suddenly experience good teamates with good cohesion for several dozen of games and get a sudden climb from 4th division into the 1st division. Then the matchmaking will flip and you'll get back to the 4th division.
In gambling : "Near-miss events, where unsuccessful outcomes are proximal to the jackpot, increase the desire to play."

High ranks are totally artificials for pros and streamers alike and to make it look like a very skillful game while above a certain threshold it's mostly a game of chance.

  • Riot created ideas like low elo, to lower 99.9% of their players self esteem and to make them chase indefinitely a rank to not be low anymore (get good).
  • Riot comunicate about Dunning Kruger effect so people that question matchmaking fairness are now mocked as incompetent.
  • Toxicity, while league of legends community is seen as the worst community in gaming, riot keep denying their responsibility and blame the players instead. While it's their rigged and unfair games that bring this level of toxicity much higher than in any other competitive games.
  • No transparency over matchmaking, mmr and pro scene. They could chose to make a transparent simple and non abusable matchmaking and rank system, like in any sport where everybody know the rules, instead they prefer to hide and control everything.
  • Scripts are riot made because they use server-side data to know the trajectory of spells, even when cast without vision or in fog of war. So riot are accomplices.
  • Matchmaking and ranks is a mystical religion that is interpreted differently by rioters themselves, show that it is a well hidden secret even for rioters themselves.
  • Spaghetti code, supposedly their games are spaghetti coded so you won't imagine how much computation is behind the scene.
  • The game was never close to be balanced, and will never be because it is only made to make players hooked and it is far easier to control games outcome by knowing how match up will interact with great certainty.

Astroturfing : Riot employs an army of trolls on social networks, to gaslight and manipulate players into more playing and to control information, reddit is full of them.

Their tools : EOMM - AI Adaptive gameplay - Behavioral modeling - Streamer/pro lobby - Perception management

Don't be a slave, free yourself or fight !

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Jawgemo was crazy good even on EG last year. tf are u wafflin about?
And c0m was also always a decent Sova/Viper. He recently improved a lot though.

posted about a year ago

Not indians, he's representing the polish with that Poland flag. That's what i meant.

posted about a year ago

Atleast I am not a fake flagger making some other countrymen look bad due to my posts.

posted about a year ago

Another Indian with fake flag spotted.
Too ashamed to put India's flag?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Missed the top 2: Kimi no nawa & Your lie in April...

posted about a year ago

Highest IQ Indian fan! :)

posted about a year ago

idk how to approach :(

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

and then there's me who's too scared to talk to his crush...idk how to be friends with her :(

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Billy owns NRG lil bro

posted about a year ago

You clearly didn't watch the match & you don't understand how the game works.
Stop copy pasting the stats without context.
Jampi went 3-8 on split.

posted about a year ago

What do you want nats to do if Lamppi is dying 2 secs into round on defense & can't entry on attack?
Botcas is using dog after his Raze peeks & dies to op.
It was a team diff lil bro

posted about a year ago

He's more delusional than an average vlr user

posted about a year ago

He can't carry as viper in every freakin match.
Garbage tms. He couldn't even play on defense properly cuz tms were either badly positioned or giving free picks.

posted about a year ago

He's only on TL cuz he has the nudes of the TL CEO.
Otherwise, not even a T2 team will pick him.

posted about a year ago

He met sayf in bathroom while cleaning the toilet

posted about a year ago

You are not a hater, you are a realist. It was a mid clutch.

posted about a year ago

They needed the firepower and brain e.g players like Scream, Sheydos, Nivera.
Enough of these fraud versatile players like jampi

posted about a year ago

mf plays 10 agents but can't play a single one properly at t1 level.

posted about a year ago

Jamppi going 0-6 & can't play aggressive jett, is mid on other agents too.
Soulass is the worst skye i have seen in whole franchising.
Both a Liability to TL.
Sayf missed his snus this morning so i can't blame him for the braindead plays.

posted about a year ago

no. why?

posted about a year ago

oh it's 4/5 for me. Btw, You are just getting started. Goodluck!!

posted about a year ago

What year?

posted about a year ago

I am a 4th yr MBBS student with boring uni life cuz i have no friends to talk to.
I used to play & watch games all day but now they don't hit the same & i just randomly switch between different social media, mindlessly scrolling & staring at the ceiling at night.

posted about a year ago

Trust me. You don't wanna know.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ofc i meant out of the whole players who have qualed for champs. Not actually ''in'' champs. Don't take everything literally.

posted about a year ago

Sheydos is literally miles ahead of him.

posted about a year ago

Only you cuz i have been watching all TL games for months.

posted about a year ago

You clearly haven't been watching TL matches for last 8 months.

posted about a year ago

soulcas is the liability.

posted about a year ago
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