Firstly, he's talking about death threats in a rant he started about Secondly, has his most avid critics. Thirdly, I doubt anybody here knows there is a dm feature.
In conclusion, he's trying to paint a picture for the vlr community of "death threat senders" in order to discredit our very valid criticism of him over the past few years.
Ain't gonna work, rats get no sympathy from me, especially for things that didn't happen.
I wouldn't call VLR "avid critics'", but it the shitposts here are what you call criticism, then sure buddy. It's funny that in this same thread you have these "avid critics" saying nothing but dumb shit.
Also, sure VLR users don't go on twitter and say stupid shit right? Surely they're all contained within this online space and nowhere else.
I've got no doubt in my mind that he's received death threats more than once, and I wouldn't blame him for thinking that those same people are the ones on VLR, seeing how VLR can be fucking braindead at times.
this is not cool. dislike shahzam as you want but telling someone to kill themselves is a huge no and he has every right to be mad about it
ETA: someone say is not ok to tell some to kill themselves and gets downvoted because brazilian flag π« π« π« π« . soon the same people who did it will be telling br = toxic and that we are playing victims when we point out xenophobic behavior in this forum
yeah, must have been Brazilians harassing the guard and dapr on matters totally unrelated to us too
these guys are pathetic... all they do is complain, even tho we do always the opposite of what they say that we """""always""""" do (send death threats)
Also, as said in #38:
"Yeah so please explain to me how telling someone to kill themself is equal to a death threat?"
so don't worry about it, there will always be some real weirdos around here
exactly! all they do is complain, but bR iS pLaYnG vIcTim
they literally say that the reason why are downvoting me is my flair. prejudice against a person of a certain country is the literal definition of xenophobia, but again, that's all in my victim playing head, obviously.
i guess if one doesn't accept the argument of a POC because of their ethnicity it's also not racism and if the hypothetical POC complained about prejudic they'd be playing victi, by their (really flawed) logic
i think they don't like seeing brazilians being against toxicity because it takes away the argument they use to justify their prejudice "Brazil bad toxic community death threat senders". when in reality there are MANY examples of death threat sent by troubled people from MANY regions. all regions have toxic people, unfortunately, including Brazil. a guy had the nerve to say in this thread that "only one region sends death threads". or he is brain dead, or he is prejudiced, or he is blind do facts
i totally agree that telling someone to commit suicide is not a death threat, but both things are absurdly toxic and shouldn't be done. i for one can proudly say i never said neither of those things to anyone. i am not so sure if the bastions of healthy community behavior replying "flag" above can. some of them are ones of the most toxic users in this forum, so i wouldn't be surprise.
people are downvoting alice_ #66 because she said the obvious: this site would be nice if people behaved normally and respectfully. this is the extent of their prejudice.
honestly is very tiring to try to argument with prejudiced people here, unfortunately there isn't a vlr forum for LATAM and br only, or else I would never open this shitty forum in my life
but about worrying, i already do not because as soon as I close this forum those toxic weirdos stop existing and their prejudice do not affect me at all.
when i am visiting foreign countries, including in NA and Europe, i am always well treated because i am very respectful with everyone i met and this kind of cowards normally hide behind anonymous websites like this. sure, xenophobia exists in the real world, but it's usually stronger against immigrants and i don't plan on living permanently my amazing, beautiful, naturally blessed country, so yeah, f those weirdos
appreciate your reply <3 thank