Do you think they'll make any roster changes??
Not for a while, they'll work a lot and kept a close series against the eventual top or 2nd seed of EMEA.
If they were to replace anyone, I can't see them removing Scream, Jamppi or Soulcas; and I feel Jamppi and L1nk work so well together. But good sentinels are very hard to find in EU it seems (hi kryptix)
I feel like this team can succeed, they just need some changes role-wise
1- Make Scream a dedicated entry, so he needs to play more duelists
2- make Soulcas more a trader/flex/second entry
3- Make Jamppi more a supportive role using initiators
4- Feel like link and Kryptix are doing their optimal role
The problem with Soulcas is that he only plays well Skye from all initiators. What will happen if she gets nerfed ?? That's why I would prefer to make Jamppi take this role. Also, Jamppi entry skills are far too inconsistent while his mid-round/late-round decisions are quite good. So if he plays a more passive role he would be better off. About Kryptix, he might be on a bad phase, so i would wait a little bit more
The thing with Jamppi is, he's average with a rifle. Without an OP, he honestly isn't that great. Even with the op, he would either go 30-8, or 5-19. Despite liking the dude, I dont think he's good enough for his role. Omen seems to be a good fit for him right now. Jett, he has to avoid. He is far too inconsistent on her
Soulcas, right now he's on a good path. He's played other initiators before, and can surely adjust. Right now, he's the star player of the team next to scream. He was originally a sova/raze/skye player.
Kryptix, I agree give him some more time. However, if he cant come out of his slump, I feel he might get replaced by someone like NBK, or nivera. Wouldn't be surprised by either of those moves