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Registered: July 6, 2021
Last post: December 21, 2024 at 6:29 AM
Posts: 157
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ah I see what you mean, or at least I think I do - seems you intend on using a 6 team playoff bracket? So the top 2 "2-0" teams from the RR go to top 4, whereas the loser still plays a 2-1 team. I like that, I do think in both scenarios there are plenty of cases where that last game is essentially useless in RR, but at least with yours even if that one is just a seeding game in this case - you still have games after.

So if my math is correct - the 3 GSL groups would lead to 5 games each, RR 3 games, and playoffs 7 - maybe 8 if the whole thing is double elim. So total 25 or 26 games. Just as a point of reference, the full 12 team double elim bracket is 22 games. The format I suggested - albeit with that likely useless game in RR - would be 24 games.

I'd love to know more about the logistics of running one of these kickoff tournaments and how much room they have in the scheduling for potential extra games. Still with all the flaws with group C in last years kickoff - the format was still far better than just a straight up bracket.

posted 2 months ago

Since Riot seem to insist on this kickoff -> masters idea at the start of each year, I'd say best to remove all seeding from the previous year - teams changes, roles change, new teams are added, I could go on. I think with 12 teams, yeah best case is a 3 GSL groups. Which is essentially the format of last years kickoff with the exception of Group C last year being the real problem with that format.

I do think if time allows it - to do 3 GSL groups - 2nd place round robin for 4th spot. And then a double elim final bracket too, without a final (so 4 matches). Come masters, keep the 8 team swiss - I really like swiss, and you don't need seeding for that.

That being said - I think there are large problems with the kickoff format in general. I think they should just get rid of it - start at Stage 1 and add an LCQ with the time leftover at the end of the season. LCQ in my opinion is always going to be a lot more hype than SEN getting into champs because LEV won a game in Stage 2 Playoffs. But I digress.

posted 2 months ago

First two upper rounds occur 16th - 19th Jan
Then 3 days off
Lower round 1 is 23rd/24th Jan

That "more time to prep" is irrelevant here, it's really only relevant when teams play back to back days - but in this case the minimum prep any team has is 4 days which is more than enough at the highest level.

That being said, the 2024 format of groups, especially group C was completely horrendous due to the "win 1 game and you're top 4" that EG did. A full double elim bracket for 12 teams is one of few formats that would genuinely work here in such a small amount of time.

posted 2 months ago

They've probably only practiced with this roster for like 3-4 weeks lmao. I wouldn't jump to conclusions quite yet. A few rounds came down to poor game management which is fixed by postplant - the first that comes to mind is the haven A post plant where they lost with an omen flash AND breach ult. Rossy's calls seemed good in those "listen in" rounds. I do think a lot lies on OXY this year, and I think they're a middle of the pack team - with a chance to make an upset run for a LAN spot.

posted 3 months ago

huge signing. cant play till split 2 next year anyway so will be good to learn a system

posted 4 months ago

NRG. I do think SEN put a fight, but I just trust Chet and Ethan to get the job done, likely a close 2-0

posted 11 months ago

they can't in CN region. Max 1 import/team. They could in PAC if they wanted to go back though

posted 11 months ago

ah yes imagine using the core of a team to determine seeding instead of the placement of the org in a previous tournament with a different roster.

good stuff.

posted about a year ago

Normally would be 2 "1st" seeds - take FNC & TL for example in this event for example - both got top 8 with the FNC win at LOCK//IN
If something like that happens again, I imagine it would be pools of:
A - EMEA, Am, Pac/Cn, EMEA -- that 3rd spot would be based on who out of PRX/EDG finish higher, and they might play each other in a couple days.
B/C/D - one from each region

posted about a year ago

Assuming they keep the format from last year, different regions are put into 4 pools based on previous events primarily with the 4th pool being the LCQ teams. I imagine the 1st pool will also house 2 teams from the region of the Tokyo winner.

Each group then gets 1 team from each pool, I believe trying best to avoid regional matchups early (one region will have 5 teams unless EDG win Tokyo, so that's rough)

I'd much prefer a 16 team swiss though, I just like that format more. It's just a lot of games early, even if you take top 8 for single elim playoffs, which they should. Total 41 games I think

posted about a year ago

after watching both of these teams I'm starting to regret my DRX choice in pick'ems. Gotta stick with my gut and just say that this should be an absolute banger. C9 looked dominant on their map choice & even took away PRX's after figuring out what they had with the sage (which they've probably never seen scrimming in NA). DRX on the other than took 2 of their 3, arguably, strongest maps (fracture being the third here... which BBlL banned... not ascent.)

Excited to see what C9 can pull out against likely stronger competition, I'll take DRX 2-1 in a close map 3 Pearl.

posted about 2 years ago

gotta do what you gotta do to make valorantgamer69420 a little angry x

posted about 2 years ago

W Eutalyx post

posted about 2 years ago

little info, shahz has already came out and said he didn't like Chamber. I mean, some other teams with flex players and whatnot taking that role for op'ing, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me why shahz doesn't like him, and with fade eventually entering the pool I have no idea what would happen with their comps if they manage to qual.

posted about 2 years ago

you weren't gonna buy it anyway so why complain

posted about 2 years ago

optic -breeze
zeta -ascent
+frac +icebox/split
-bind -haven
split/icebox decider

posted about 2 years ago

Agreed on the scorelines - if it goes to map 5 ZETA take it. Hopefully a great series.

I believe in the Cinderella story, but this is also where KRU fell short in the thriller semi final against Gambit, so it could be a crazy good series where optic just barely win.

posted about 2 years ago

imm2 116rr peak, current off the leaderboard focusing on exams

posted about 2 years ago

imagine going through week old posts for a stroke of ego

posted about 2 years ago

idk why you think I'm surprised. I was asking if there was any actual reason behind it other than typical NA brain "drop will add wardell" or whatever other nonsense people are trying to come up with.

posted about 2 years ago

Exactly - I fully expected a 2-0 in Knights favour. Props to 100T for taking a map, especially not their map pick anyway. Seems like they're picking into their uncomfortable maps for the experience, which I like to see.

^ pretty sure knights picked breeze, at least... Can't fully remember since I only watched the second half of that game

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone care to explain how people believe Knights beating 100T isn't somewhat expected? Knights finishing top 8 in NA showing some promise, and 100T having a completely new roster.

I see lots of promise from 100T, that breeze map looked really good - fracture is lacklustre, but I feel like that map is one of the last this team will learn, really messes with the roles they had planned I think. Not much to see from haven other than a few decent combinations of utility, perfect counters coming out of an experienced Knights team, which is exactly what a map like haven demands - experience.

On the bright side for 100T as well, they are planning to bootcamp into and including at least the first closed qualifier.

posted about 2 years ago

trust me bro

edit: on a real note, less tweeted like midday that he tested negative, he was the 2nd player who tested +ve as well, so should be ok?

posted about 2 years ago

I'm guessing it'll be something along the lines of an LCQ.

Each region will have their original slots with an extra tournament for the remainder of teams in league play, since there doesn't have to a relegation.

NA: 2 (+1)
EMEA: 3 (+1)
APAC: 2 (+1 ?)
JP: 1
KR : 1
JP/KR: (+1)
BR: 1
LATAM/BR: (+1)

posted about 2 years ago

at least I got one prediction right, only the other 27 are wrong LOL

posted about 2 years ago

unlucky, really.

posted about 2 years ago

result remains. Guard 2-1 Optic, I'll eat my words tomorrow if it comes to it. Optic still look like shit compared to their performance in NA

posted about 2 years ago

I can't tell if KRU and XIA looked sloppy as hell, or if Optic forced that on them after being under the pressure of elimination. My predications definitely change with that performance... The 2nd lower round 1 match is gonna be an absolute banger of an elimination match [PRX/DRX] vs [Guard/Optic]

Can Optic be the APAC killers?

posted about 2 years ago

Lower bracket round 1 is typically just taking the losing teams from each match into the 4 respective slots, in order

Lower round 2, the teams are inverted. >> So the winner of the playing say the loser of G2/TL (should they win their respective games)

posted about 2 years ago

Presumably to do with weekend spike in viewership. Also player strain - teams from groups, Zeta/NIP for example already have to play 3-4 days in a row to get deep in playoffs.

Also don't think it has anything to do with Easter, since the break is Tues-Thurs, Easter weekend is sort of Friday-Monday which is the first half of the playoff bracket.

posted about 2 years ago

The Guard vs LOUD, maybe?

Nah, I'm not predicting these anymore until they're official. That's a crazy matchup though.

posted about 2 years ago

DRX vs Guard

Rough for The Guard, first loss on the international stage here, there's inexperience on LAN, then there's just going up an absolute powerhouse of a team, I hope I'm not overrating DRX...

DRX 2-1

posted about 2 years ago

Getting harder to predict some of these games and I'm only 6 games in. Damn.

PRX vs XIA, another regional matchup.

Although Xerxia look strong in groups, PRX showed that they can be dominant, and with how close I have DRX/PRX in the upper bracket, this game can only go one way.


edit: PRX 2-1 Optic instead.

probably still gonna be wrong but w/e

posted about 2 years ago

Potential, and likely, regional matchup here in BR/BR or EMEA/EMEA in whatever crazy world we live in.

I'll take the BR/BR matchup, LOUD stomp their regional blood again.


posted about 2 years ago

I think you're 100% right here, and I mentioned before the event in a post that I expected TL (should they make playoffs) to be placed with G2, but after topping their group as well, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Not to mention the other issue of even trying to seed international talent fairly

They did EMEA > NA > APAC > BR, which makes sense from previous results, still awkward to somehow seed the teams from group A/B against that fairly.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic look absolutely terrible right now - sloppy game for XIA, whatever the controversy might be - also a super messy bind against KRU & a much better ascent, but KRU did not look anywhere near what they did at previous events.

XIA likely win that rematch today, and either way, Guard should be beating either.

LAN debut however, might be rough.

Guard 2-1 XIA

posted about 2 years ago

What a game this should be.

Both regions have something to prove here, APAC looking stronger and stronger with each event that comes and goes, DRX who are absolute utility demons, Lothar bores the shit out of me, but him analysing some of the DRX util just goes to show how impressive of a team they are.

DRX 2-1, PRX can very easily come back for a top 4 finish, however.

posted about 2 years ago

G2 vs TL

TL revenge on the EMEA finals, LAN demons. G2 have to make lower bracket run.

TL 2-1

posted about 2 years ago

G2 only looked strong completely under pressure in the EMEA finals. I can see them making a lower bracket run, but I also don't see them losing to NIP/Zeta

G2 2-0 NIP

posted about 2 years ago

NIP looked dominant over a weak FNC, and kept it close against a, what should be, an easy top 4 contender in DRX.

LOUD completely obliterated NIP on home turf.

Close game?

2-1 TL, flair checks out.

posted about 2 years ago

tl;dr - Much better first round matchups at bottom of post

Whoever drew this bracket must have never seen a bracket before, since no matter what,
you have:
both EMEA teams on same side of the bracket
both NA teams on same side of the bracket or both APAC teams on the same side
potentially both BR teams on same side if NIP beat Zeta

I have to wonder who drew this bracket and didn't see any problems with it...

A better draw would have been having the 4 top seeds in same slots

Drawing NIP/Zeta, putting them against PRX, avoiding BR/BR

Draw TL, place them against Guard, avoiding EMEA/EMEA

Draw DRX, place against G2

Draw Optic/XIA, place against LOUD

Matchups would be:

G2 vs DRX
Loud vs Optic/XIA
PRX vs NIP/Zeta
Guard vs TL

posted about 2 years ago

close TL vs KRU match. 2-1 either way... I'll take TL (flair checks out), even though I would naturally expect KRU to win based on more recent results

posted about 2 years ago

truth hurts

posted about 2 years ago


just for the lol's of BIG/SMB not getting back to challengers. Still a bit disappointed both MOUZ (fokus >) and XL (surreal =) aren't here.

i'll probably swap to BIG + Fokus / Rebels making it. Don't see SMB doing anything really.

posted about 2 years ago

replying so I come back at another time (maybe)

posted about 2 years ago

I do wonder what the viewership would be like with that 3rd one. Feel like LOUD getting to finals would still have tons of viewership, similar to the KRU/Gambit series, no matter who they play.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic/DRX not getting out of groups -- or Zeta getting to playoffs.

Not really nightmare ones - just some I don't see happening:
Guard getting first rounded (finish 7-8th)
G2/LOUD making finals

posted about 2 years ago
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