Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 7, 2021
Last post: February 22, 2023 at 1:59 PM
Posts: 256
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He's probably blackmailing someone at the org that is the only explanation he is on liquid for so long

posted about 2 years ago

I feel that TBK has very good players, though, on average, not as good as teams like NIP, FURIA, VK, but they excel at their fundamentals. About Loud game, I felt that it was more about Loud being great than they being bad. Loud was insane in that game in almost all regards. They had very good preset plays, great teamwork, individually everyone was clicking, nice reads. Honestly, if Loud plays in the same manner against the other big teams from group B, I think the outcome will be the same that being Loud stomping everyone

posted about 2 years ago

Someone give a good team to FRZ, i beg

posted about 3 years ago

Spraying is completely random when playing with packet loss. While on your screen you are like in the 4/5 bullet, on the game is on 2/3

posted about 3 years ago

About champs i 100% agree with you. However, this 1 slot for LATAM/BR for masters is fair for me. At the last champs, KRU reached the semifinals having the toughest path for any team. At the same time, SA LCQ showed that, on avarage, BR is better than LATAM. So taking the one garanteed slot of BR and making it a fight between BR and LATAM seems to me a good solution given what happened last year.

posted about 3 years ago

Best Sens
800 DPI

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like its to early to tell. No invited team has played so far. Theres so much uncertainty towards some teams

posted about 3 years ago

This Ares change makes me thing. Do Riot test their changes ?? After only a few dms with this gun i felt that it was too strong

posted about 3 years ago

Ohh then he shouldnt be in the same room as nukkye if thats true then its shamefull for g2

posted about 3 years ago

isnt there a referee in their comms when they are playing ??

posted about 3 years ago

Se eu fosse de um time profissional e tivesse essa opção, msm que eu fosse jogar contra o joaozinho do motoclube eu iria barrar. Por mais que não mostre as taticas montadas, da pra estudar o padrão de comportamento dos jogadores e times bons conseguem extrair esse informação e ganhar rounds com isso

posted about 3 years ago

For me, the point is if you have a choice between having your strats revealed or not, you would always choose the later. Regardless how good you are

posted about 3 years ago

The thing is that the casters themselves created a shitty situation for them. According to Riot rulebook, casters can spectate any match of the open qualifiers, but for, perhaps ethical reasons, they ask the team if its ok for them to transmit the match. Many teams have said for obvious reasons that they didnt want to have their matches shown. Now they are in a shitty position because they want to show the matches, but dont want to go against players wishes, even though they have the right to do so

posted about 3 years ago

Personally, i take CS role into Valorant. Every team so far has a variation of it:

Attack side:
Entry: The first to enter a site (usually a duelist player)
Support 1: Set up the execs of the team (usually plays as controllers)
Support 2: Set up the entry+fragger with utility or help the team with info(usually play initiators)
Fragger: His main goal is to trade the entry( usually is pretty flexible playing with Sage, Skye)
Lurker: His main goal is to infiltrate enemy lines or to watch the flanks( usually is a sentinel)

Defender side:
Anchor A: Responsible for A bombsite( usually Controler or sentinel)
Anchor B: Responsible for B bombsite( usually Controler or sentinel)
2 man B: Plays more focus on the B bombsite, but have the freedom to roam the map ( Usually Initiator or flex)
2 man A: Plays more focus on the A bombsite, but have the freedom to roam the map ( Usually Initiator or flex)
Rotator: Can room the map as he wishes usually responsible for the middle when the map has one ( Usually duelist)

posted about 3 years ago

I agree that shooting wise valorant indeed have a skill ceiling problem. For me, this comes from how maps are designed then from in game mechanics. Specially the younger maps, most of the common shooting angles gives a too big advantage for one the parties. This can be because the angle is too tight for the peaker, giving the holder the advantage, because he sees the peaker first or too open, giving the peaker the advantage, because he sees the holder first. This leads to worse mechanically players killing better ones much more often than it should. The newer maps, though, improved this aspect a lot, but its not enouth still

posted about 3 years ago

Man, before Iceland 90% of pros didnt know how to approach the game. In Brazil, for example, basically every team played double duelist comps and jett wasnt that meta in here. The more international tournaments we had, more clear was the meta, so regions adapted to it

posted about 3 years ago

In others games, specially CS, due to their oldness, if a player who is mechanicly good starts competing, it still will take a while for him be able to compete in tier 1. This player still needs to learn the mental part of the game and when you are competing against player that have been playing for many years you need time to catch up. In Valorant, this didnt occur because everyone was brand new to the game, so players who were bad at others games found a good place to fresh start. Also, Valorant ,although similar to other games, is a different game. Utility usage at Valorant is much more crucial than in CS GO, for example. So it requires different set of abilities from players that wasnt in much in check in previous games

posted about 3 years ago

they qualified for playoffs in Masters 3 and lose against the winner of the tournament, so i would say that they played well in there also

posted about 3 years ago

Funny how few slots will be given to KR next year. Considering their international performances i feel like they deserve having two. it seems Riot is weighting too much on viewership/engagement/potential then it should at costs of performance

posted about 3 years ago

I think that the slots are for the players, not for the Org. NOORG 2.0 was Pain when they received the points, but it seems that the slot is for the players. Perhaps if theres changes in the core lineups, the slot will go for the open qualifier

posted about 3 years ago

I feel the same. Dont you think if we had swiss tournament system just as cs go major we would be better off ??

posted about 3 years ago

Riot didnt say anything in this regard. However, Riot BR kind of leaked on their page that there will be 2 BR teams at Masters 1, when they announce how vct 2022 will play out

posted about 3 years ago

According to this video that BR riot just released ( BR region will still have two slots for masters. He explicit says that the top 2 teams will go to masters in the end

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, though i feel we should haver at least 1 br team and 1 latam at internationals, otherwise it would be much more boring to watch masters/champs similarly to turkish community at champs, where they didnt have any representation

posted about 3 years ago

The biggest lesson we can learn from KRU whole run and Fnatic disqualification is that it doesnt matter how much time you put in team cohesion and strats if you cant cope with the pressure of an important close match. Kru, regardless on the score, always plays confident and focused. While Fnatic members in some key moments made some unusual mistakes, probably because of pressure. Just like Derke carrying Haven for Fnatic and then proceed to give Kru the kill advantage on both defense rounds of OT.

posted about 3 years ago

Its impressive how people watch one good tournament from one team and simply says that this team and region are the best. They even think that top teams represents the strengh of a whole region

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, and according to Noyn post this is something that actually happening in BR scene. Big orgs like MIBR, Godsent, NIP, Loud are creating Valorant rosters in their regions and others big orgs like Dignitas, Team one, Imperial and Pain Gaming are rumored to be interested as well. If thats true, the level of investment of BR scene will skyrocket

posted about 3 years ago

Indeed, though i believe he meant that BR region/comunitty is shit due to contexto. However, the pharase is for sure ambiguous

posted about 3 years ago

If what you are saying is real, then im excited for VCT 2022. Also, if that many big orgs are going to BR, i doubt that Riot will take off one of Brazil international slots. This leads me to speculate that they will start to have 24 teams in international tournaments

posted about 3 years ago

i dont feel like they are that much overhyped as people say. In terms of individual skill, SEN could be the best team in the world. Shaz,Tenz,Dapr and Sick are all at least in a top 15 players world ranking. Their problems is their collective play, which is underwhelming currently. They even almost qualified to playoffs relying mostly on their individuals

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like BR can have two good international lineups, which are:

Current Vk with Krain or NZR instead of MW
Krain or NZR

New team
Jonn or Xand
Pancada or Khalil

posted about 3 years ago

Actually, if you consider that hes alone, he can live well if he has about 200k dol. Isnt a luxury lifestyle, but he can live well. For have a more luxuries lifestyle, you would need about 700k dollars. Once you consider to sustent a family, this becomes more case dependent

posted about 3 years ago

This can be true for orgs in richer regions. However, for brazilians orgs that is certainly much more than they spend in the team. Taking VK, for example, i would be surprised if they invest more than 15k dolars per month on the entire Valorant operation, which includes coachs, bootcamps etc

EDIT: Im being super conservative on my analisis. From what a heard, the top 5 big salaries earn about 2k/2.5k dol and the avarage tier 1 pros earn about 1k/1.5k dol.

posted about 3 years ago

I wouldnt discard this that quickly. Before the beggining of VCT, Sacy didnt know if he wanted to be a valorant pro. He made the decision to try at least for 2021 and see what happens. For this reason, i think is pretty possible that contract to VKS is only 1 year. Also, even if im wrong in my guess, VKS isnt a very big org in BR. Now with bigger orgs deciding to invest on BR valorant, i could see them fishing him from VKS

posted about 3 years ago

I feel the same. His playstyle would fit more a flex role to me, which is something that VK doesnt need. If VK manages to get a better sova player like Krain, NZR or Sacy, they should replace him. Personally, i would like to see him playing with sacy,saad and Jonn, on paper, this team can be nuts

posted about 3 years ago

yeah, and ive seen before they kind of choke in big moments, so considering the high pressure enviroment, i would say TS is a little bit favoured

posted about 3 years ago

if you consider international tournaments, we are only 6 months in

posted about 3 years ago

This tournament is showing me that the winner team is the one which have the best mental and better fundamentals. Good Strats, in general, are only decisive when theres close matchups. For this reason im more confident that Liquid will beat C9, given that i feel liquid is better strat wise. However, about Acend vs TS, i feel like TS have the better mental , so i would predict them to win

posted about 3 years ago

but isnt it in like all regions besides Korea ?? Here in Brazil is something unknown as well. Coldzera, for example, almost missed going to LG roster because his dad didnt want him to go

posted about 3 years ago

The fun part of this is that the biggest VKS weaknesses are in roles that Brazil have a lot of good players which would be entry/jett and trader/flex.

posted about 3 years ago

Indeed, these interregional tournaments like LCQs are so much fun to watch. We should definitely have more

posted about 3 years ago

i feel like this game is becoming more and more focused on individual power, so i could definitly see these teams beating VS

posted about 3 years ago

actually after Liquid grand Slam in 2019 NA scene was stronger than ever. They had 2 teams at the top 5 with also good tier 2 teams

posted about 3 years ago

I never really understood why this happens. NA players have all the money the need for coaching staff, bootcamps and even personally. Besides having a huge playerbase on most games. Why the hell they usually feel behind ??

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Its in portuguese, i guess you can google translate

posted about 3 years ago

Riot BR actually already anounced when will start vct 2022 open qualifiers, so probably yes

posted about 3 years ago

For us to suffer three times more

posted about 3 years ago

i feel like is something more in line with their mental. Furia didnt close the match against SEN due to this. VKS choked against Gambit and now seems like another team. VK played superb agaisnt Acend, but against X10 they seemed like other team, proly because all the mess created by jhow camera.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, i feel like this was one of the main points that set them apart of Furia

posted about 3 years ago
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