Now that the emotion has passed, you who are outside the BR/LATAM region, how long did you think it would take for a champion title to reach us?
not very long. they've had some promising teams and i'm really looking forward to what happens next
When i heard in m1 that loud were looking for a champions win instead of masters
i alr knew they would be top 4
and now they won
Not very long since the region have insane amount of promising talent in the beginning of scene compare to other regions like JP
once I found out theyre bootcamping in EU before champs I knew Loud will be a strong team at Champs
before LOUD I thought there was no chance. Then they got the best player in each role in Brazil on one team, then I knew that it was going to happen eventually. I was thinking more m2 but they bombed out of groups so it was a bit later