Ban these fpx cheaters asap
just like i said in other thread:
it was already used a lot of times, not a bug, it's a gap, the other player can also se the gap (but it's far away so it's hard to see)
It's not like the cypher cam exploit from last year, that cam could see thru a wall/roof while in the other side you can't see the the cam (bc there's a roof)
Graphics are usually client side rendered for games. Generally, it all appears the same to the end user, but things like your graphics quality settings alters how these things are seen.
One person on high graphics might have a more obstructed view than the user on low graphics.
Pro players generally use low graphics because of this (as well as increased fps). Other things like stretched resolution changes this too. I think it's only the top part of the wall that's rendered differently for each person, but I'm not positive since in this instance, it's the bottom portion of the wall.