For any viewers or even pros that are planning to head to Toronto for the next Masters, please consult this guide:
- Avoid the TTC unless risk getting trolled (stabbed)
- Tim Hortons is mid but is literally everywhere, so if you’re planning on trying it for the first time, get an ice cap (can be flavored), a farmers wrap, and an apple fritter donut and don’t listen to what anyone else says
- Avoid Jane & Finch at all costs
- Avoid PIZZA PIZZA unless you’re eating it the second it’s out the oven, that restaurant chain is the biggest mistake that’s come out of Canada
- Maple leafs are an urban myth in downtown, please do not ask why you can’t find any
- No Drake is not the Mayor of Toronto
- Yes the Toronto slang is very much real especially downtown for teens and ppl in their low 20s, please do not laugh at it
- If you see a hockey fan then they’re probably racist
- If you see someone rep a Canadian flag in downtown Toronto then they’re probably a tourist
- The CN Tower is really big
- Canada’s KKK frequent Bloor st but live in Richmond Hill
- PG Clucks is so good
I’m blanking now