Before anything, it's only to further inform people
But, Onur was actually looked at for coaching LOUD, before it got given to bzka, Source:
We likely won't know why, but if u are looking at Onur personally, he may not "look the best" but neither did Chet saying that xerxia played horribly and that they shouldn't have won at masters, Everyone has bad moments but if u let that define someone then your just as bad as the person who is supposedly so bad. This is due to you reacting over the 1 overly negative thing they did, just like Chet did with xerxia and so did Onur in the dextero post above
The only thing Chet was doing was reacting negatively due to his team not winning when they really should have, same with Onur when loud didn't appreciate him and then dropped him from consideration, So really if u look at Chet and/or Onur negatively for reacting negatively when something didn't go there way when all Onur and Chet wish to do is drive their team to the world stage and success, u are very naive
TL:DR, 1 bad thing does not define a legacy, and if u let it define a legacy of someone, u are either jealous or envious of the player, I'm not accusing anyone here, but if the shoe fits.