Emea are far more competitive than both Brazil and Latam combined.
Emea is geographically far larger than both Brazil and Latam combined.
Emea has a population of over 2 billion while South America has a population of around 430 million.
Considering how they're the most successful and competitive region and incomparable to Br or Latam, Emea should be getting even more regional slots + lcq slots than they are right now.
and also, wdym brazil are the 4th largest country in the world?
yeah Brazil is the 5*th largest country in the world man, and the slots were divided between LATAM and BRAZIL, of course EMEA is a bigger region on comp esports, other regions in the biggest majority of games dont have a chance in esports than EMEA or NA, however u should understand it u are from South Korea
here is a real scale Brazil superimposed Europe in a map