Why do females have their own separate league/teams? Can you see tier 1/2 even 3 teams having male and female players in the future? I'm just curious as to why its separated. Like are there some rules teams have that I don't know about?
Because most of them are female teams belonging to orgs that already have a tier 1 VCT male roster and Riot doesn't allow multi-team orgs to compete in VCT with their academy/female teams. So thus those female teams have to compete somewhere (Game Changers)
Co teams are definitely possible theres no rules against it. But they have a seperate league just for the sake of it I think. Although some female teams do get to compete in VCT qualifiers if their main male org counterpart isn't going through those same quals (why we saw C9W in the 128 team quals because C9B already qualified)
This is probably the stupidest thing i have ever heard, you know what that "Gaming gene" is? Is the fact that boys are allowed to play videogames from a young age and women are leaned to do different activities such as play with dolls, tea parties, princess, etc.
We are living in a time where that's changing and it won't take long until more women start playing videogames from such a young ages.
Even if playerbases were equal, even if girls loved to do "our" stuff from the very young age, even if there was no sexism or discrimination in place - not much would change in esports scene, men would still fill 99-100% of slots in tier1, tier2, tier3 teams
How deluded you guys must be to think that's the only cause of such big skill gap
Look I dont want to ignore secondary reasons as I do believe they do present a significant reason as to the disparity between men and women in esports. Also I dont agree with how this guy has presented himself and all his arguments as well as the stupid shit he said about men putting more hours into their dream is bullshit but he has a small point on the biology thing. I have done reaserch into this for school before and I dont have all my sources but one I can remeber is this study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4456887/ which shows the difference between male and female reaction times.
And that is where I strongly disagree with you. I agree there are some biological differences between men and women that can lead to men having advantages over women like the evidence I provided. However I would very much like to say that I believe that good teamwork, communication, calling, strategy and constantly training your aim, reaction time and other things like diet can reduce but not fully close this gap (as we would assume the male teams would also do this maintaining the marginal gap caused by biological differences). However the idea that mindset is very different is stupid. If a women wants something she will also work fucking hard to achieve it. Your making an archaic, unlogical argument that because men used to hunt food they work harder. Please tell me how that works logically. Women can work just as hard as men and the only really difference if we assume two equally hard working male and female gamers would be the small biological differences of reaction time and speed (muscle volume can increase arm movement speed)
female teams at the moment perform poorly against male teams. This was because of less resources and opportunities. Orgs never really saw the need to invest in female teams. Introduction of separate leagues, give orgs a reason to invest in female teams and help them improve. Eventually, female teams should reach the level of male teams and hopefully we see more female teams in open circuits.
all of these uneducated and sexist replies the are reason women are so under represented in gaming in general. (yes that also explains why theyre not at men level rn. smaller talent pool due to lack of opportunities and a hostile enviroment for them isnt very encouraging)
do better and educate yourself instead of saying stuff that you think its the reality when its all pure bias against women.
if they qualified for masters, then there wouldnt be any need for game changers
and the MAIN reason they are so much worse is due to way lower playerbase. there are other reasons also but that is the main reason
everyone keeps throwing around the "lack of opportunities" buzz word phrase without actually giving any examples beacuse its not true. we know its not true due to game changers teams actually getting payed more than the teams they lose to: examples below
Women are often marginalised in terms of their access to communities through which they might develop their skills (Taylor, 2008). In every sport, being able to compete with people slightly above your skill level is essential to improvement. If women players cannot access meaningful challenges that allow them to develop their skills, they will not be able to compete at the same level as male competitors who can develop their professional skills as a result of their access to more robust networks and the easier occupation of gamer identity (Taylor, 2012). The objectification of women and use of sexist language, including sexually harassing trash talk, have become part of masculinity that simultaneously inhabits traditional forms of male privilege while shedding the outsider status and marginalisation to which geek identity has long been subjected (Taylor, 2012). As many of the competitive settings for eSports players are based on online environments shielded by anonymity, gender-based discrimination and hostility are likely to ensue (Ruvalcaba et al., 2018).
so the first point is basically "women dont get as high quality practice" which isnt true
second point is "they receive toxicity" which is true but that isnt the same as "lack of opportunities". everyone receives toxicity though but they dont get their own league. i think game changers isnt for tackling toxicity and instead there needs to be harsher punishments for player who are flaming in ranked.
So whats your proposed fix? get rid of the game changers league?
Then any female team signed to an org that already fields a VCT male roster gets fucked over just like academy teams. Theres no rules against co-gender rosters. Any org can still technically pick up a female pro to their roster and I doubt anyone would care, it just hasn't happened yet.
Just check this video, analysis on why females are unable to compete in tier 1 esports at the higher echelons https://youtu.be/pkcRy0F3xyE ,I think argument that there is no difference between gender playing competitive videos games is a load of bullshit ๐๐ฉ.
I am a professional thorin troller however it is really closed minded to say you wont listen to someones argument especially if you want to prove your point. Also, thinking about why men and women are different in esports is a question to think about and also still very little is known about it so there can be biological differences and many studies support it however I believe that the biological stuff such as reaction can become negated but no female teams have figured it out yet but if you watched the last cs female event you can see the gap is closing but may never be fully closed
https://youtu.be/rJ77cDiFhMk 30.minute video on this topic by someone who worked with women's teams in csgo
But it's largely to create an ecosystem where they can improve cause let's face it ppl who aren't men in gaming aren't treated particularly well