And that is where I strongly disagree with you. I agree there are some biological differences between men and women that can lead to men having advantages over women like the evidence I provided. However I would very much like to say that I believe that good teamwork, communication, calling, strategy and constantly training your aim, reaction time and other things like diet can reduce but not fully close this gap (as we would assume the male teams would also do this maintaining the marginal gap caused by biological differences). However the idea that mindset is very different is stupid. If a women wants something she will also work fucking hard to achieve it. Your making an archaic, unlogical argument that because men used to hunt food they work harder. Please tell me how that works logically. Women can work just as hard as men and the only really difference if we assume two equally hard working male and female gamers would be the small biological differences of reaction time and speed (muscle volume can increase arm movement speed)