Keznit allegedly committed racism against Gamelanders player dgzin.
Keznit allegedly committed racism against Gamelanders player dgzin.
my first attitude will always be of treating latam as bros. It's sad to see this childish behavior from Keznit and Onur, there has always been Argentinians and Chileans calling us monkeys and stuff. But Mazino for example, during champions, had an interview in which he addressed the Brazilian community with a message of union and friendship. So that's what we should strive for, even when there are some shitheads in the way.
i dont defend keznit for calling dgzin CJ, it was obviously a terrible thing to do, but it was also dgzin the one that started taunting and insulting Krü members and it looks hypocritical for him to insult everyone he wants but play the victim after being insulted back, tbh i think both players acted childishly
Something like what?
I'm sorry but I didn't understand what you said
People shouldn't celebrate beating anyone, if that's what you are daring to say.
I refuse to believe there is any saints in this situation. Both sides have an opportunity to learn something of value from this and they should. Going after someone's head isn't going to make you feel better.
Yeah that was pretty bad.
In my opinion, many players involved should learn from this and be more empathetic towards others.
It's hard to break this chain of direct provocations but you won't solve anything by being even more provocative :/
Many of them are still young so I don't thing we should be as harsh, but they definitely should learn from this situation before it gets worse and worse
Playing the victim thats what Brazilians usually do.
im not saying keznit is right etc but brazilians try it so hard to trigger people and attack them it ends badly and brazilians become victim after all that.
Acends case was the same against bug exploiters.
Bug exploiters and their gfs etc created all the perception in the world(in twitter,face to face) attacked them in every way possible and tried to act like a victim after all that.
in which world u write something to trigger to team u scrim with.
Just play your game and get out :d
Keznit is wrong for that so is GL.
Hahaha, brazilians are the most hypocrite community ever, they are trying to sabotage KRU at all cost(remember the time that a BR FEM team started a witch hunt because KRU didnt want to scrim against them?) , this dgzin guy is one of the most toxic person on the server everytime you ''win'' a scrim block against him he starts talking trash about how LATAM never won anything and starts talking about his CROSSFIRE worldcup win , i always root for brazilians teams on esports but in this game i cant stand them.
also why the fuck are they screaming racism? dgzin looks exactly like CJ lol.
I mean yeah I get u manito, dgzin isn't really a nice guy, still the cj comment was meant in a derogatory way I'm the middle of a heated argument, and it's not like they want to ban the guy from ever playing, they just banned him from a discord practice group lol
They will definitely still scrimm with br teams just not using this group