which pro is the best awper
some candidates KangKang T3xture Cryo Something cNed Leaf Aspas dgzin
Aspas? Dgzin?
i forgor
cNed prism op from 2021 💀
If you put cned you need to put yay
cned is a 10x better oper than y0y nt
Not during their peaks, overall tho I can agree
bro made the operator look like an awp, he's insane
you forgot Jremy but all g
Where Wardell
OP academy goat
only sniping he good at is stream sniping nt
n1cf taking Ws
its the big 25
Wardell was only good at oping when everyone was fresh at the game still, he had initial talent and nothing more
Probably kangkang is the best. Some other historically good awpers:
20 wardell 21 cned 22 yay
kk dg Aspas
plus 1
SkRossi U can't deny it
Not at all
lmfao, what is this delusion?
Don't forget OP crutch Tarik
BCF ComeBack clears all
I think Buzz is really underrated in his op and is one of the best-he just doesnt get talked about as much since he doesnt op as much as he did back in 22
I can't see ComeBack in this list?
Kangkang has been the most consistent when it comes to oping, plus some of the shots he hits are absolutely mind boggling
add iZu to the list
most consistent : kangkang something aspas