Ill say BR and Japan since they didnt made it out of groups. Especially BR cause they had 3 teams and none made it out of groups. I think they deserve maybe just one spot and nothing more
At least Brazil was competitive. At this point Japan is easily the worst region. Vivo Keyd did beat Acend (although they cheated and it got reversed), Vikings stomped Crazy Raccoon and should have beat Gambit but choked, FURIA took maps off both Sentinels and KRU and were competitive. Although Brazil all went out in groups I think it was a solid showing.
redlight [#5]Ah yes CR = JP, got it. guess the new and upcoming JP teams and ZETA Division don't count as JP teams.
We’re they at champs
jdee [#4]oh god, did you not see what happened to zombs when he said something about brazilian teams? good luck man! im praying for you!
redlight [#5]Ah yes CR = JP, got it. guess the new and upcoming JP teams and ZETA Division don't count as JP teams.
Doesn't matter superteam or gotta be at champs and prove it
conman [#7]At least Brazil was competitive. At this point Japan is easily the worst region. Vivo Keyd did beat Acend (although they cheated and it got reversed), Vikings stomped Crazy Raccoon and should have beat Gambit but choked, FURIA took maps off both Sentinels and KRU and were competitive. Although Brazil all went out in groups I think it was a solid showing.
Now this.....this is a very good take
redlight [#5]Ah yes CR = JP, got it. guess the new and upcoming JP teams and ZETA Division don't count as JP teams.
Read the title
0vertaker [#19]You will give Brazil one spot LOL
probably the second most talented and promissing region after EU. If you hve ever watched any other FPS game, than you know what I am talking about. If you haven't, than the reason for this shit comment is explained.
the second most talented and promising region after EU is NA whether u like it or not. LATAM, Korea and SEA is probably next. Brazil is not even in top 5. we are talking about valorant here. dont mention other irrelevant games.
luckypleb [#2]you're gonna trigger them
thats his intention
look at the brazilian malding in the comments
0vertaker [#19]You will give Brazil one spot LOL
probably the second most talented and promissing region after EU. If you hve ever watched any other FPS game, than you know what I am talking about. If you haven't, than the reason for this shit comment is explained.
BR CS is in shambles rn
Mincho [#20]the second most talented and promising region after EU is NA whether u like it or not. LATAM, Korea and SEA is probably next. Brazil is not even in top 5. we are talking about valorant here. dont mention other irrelevant games.
CS and R6 are irrelevant? LOOL
NA is the second most talented??? The NA scene is basically composed by washed CS players, people that couldn't succeed there. They had an inicial ssucess in the scene because these players were already well adapted to this kind of situation (LAN, pressure, etc.), but with the time, the game has evolved, and they couldn't keep up.
LATAM just has one team, and although being super good, it doesn't make the whole region good as well.
About SEA and LATAM, they have no individual talents. If you would make a list of the 20 best players in the world, there would be probably 1 of player o each of these 2 regions, maximum.
Meanwhile, it's just the first year, and the brazilian scene is just getting started. NIP and other big ORGs will enter the scene, and it's just a matter of time until they start to succeed in international tournaments. In every FPS game Brazil has always had great talents. It's just so stupid to think that Brazil will be trash forever just because they didn't do well in the first year LOL
OR do you really think that, in a magic trick, regions that have always been trash at FPSs will have success in valorant, while Brazil, that has been since the beginning of FPS one of the best regions in the world won't?
Mkin11 [#6]Brazil was competitive in champs even though they did not make it out of groups, and it appears that next year they will be investing more into the game. Removing spots seems counter-productive to the idea of developing valorant worldwide.
it forces more out of each team in those smaller regions and as you can see it workked in the example of KRU, though for CR not so much